Fear (Part 3)

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Note: I don't know of how you gain a dog's trust, but I'll try.

Authors P.O.V.

"You sure you want to do this Eli?" Swift asked her, his hand on the backseat car door of Raph's car. The punks and the rest of the boys were all in the garage together, helping Elijah with her fear. Hulk was in the car right now and waiting to get out, and the girl was busy building up all of her courage to face the big dog.

She took a deep breath, "Yeah, let him out." And Swift pulled the door open.

The big black dog jumped out to face the human girl, immediately growling at her in defense since the last time they met, it wasn't very good.

Elijah knew about dogs, so with her logic, she slowly got down on her knees and put her head down in submission, showing the dog that she doesn't mean no harm. The dog started to calm down a bit and relaxed its growling, but still on guard. The punk slowly raised her head and held out her hand, waiting for the dog to come to her.

Even though she was acting calm, she was still slightly shaking in fear since she was in perfect position for the dog to attack her. The guys knew this, but were still proud of her for doing her best to gain Hulk's trust.

The dog cautiously walked towards her, sniffing her hand...

And then licked it.

The dog started to wag its short tail in happiness while licking Elijah's face, making the girl frown in disgust from the slobber. The guys only smiled and laughed at the sight, happy that Elijah was giving him a chance, same with Hulk. "So Eli, how about it? Can he stay?" Swift asked.

The girl stood up while wiping the dog saliva off her face and looking at her brother and then back at the dog. She smiled, "Yeah, he can stay. And i'll be coming back onto the missions with you, too." The guys all cheered in happiness. Elijah smiled and looked down at the dog panting happily, he was looking at her, too.

"Welcome to the family, Hulk."

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant