Little Bad Girl

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Authors P.O.V.

The Street Punks and Swag were all in the dojo for training, well mostly for the Punks, Swag only wanted to learn and see of how they fight. They were all sitting to the side while Elijah and Swift went up to battle each other using their fists; no weapons.

They both looked at each other and did a bow, then straightened up. "Hajima!" Rebel yelled. Swift was first to run at the Punk, and Elijah only stood there for a second, waiting for the turtle to come closer, but when he did, she just stepped aside. Splinter offered to give Elijah some extra training because she had nothing better to do and the boys were always busy with their own things, so she learned some things that the boys didn't, Elijah even learned about using her other instincts, too.

Swift turned around and looked at her in shock. "H-How did you do that? You never did that before!"

"No, but I can now. So stop being a dumbfounded idiot and pay attention, Swift." Elijah said and brought her fists up, moving into an attack position. Swift did the same, and then they both came at each other. Punches and kicks were being thrown left and right. The rest of the group couldn't believe of how fast the two were. They were pretty much like cheetahs.

Elijah had then stepped back one foot and jumped onto Swift's shoulders, then held onto him tight and swung her body with all her strength and pushed him to the tatami mat covered floor and sat on his chest. When Swift was busy groaning in slight pain for hitting his head, Splinter had then called it off and told them that they were free to go. The punk stood up and stepped to the side of her leader, "You okay there?" Elijah said with a slight chuckle and held out her hand for him.

Swift took it, "Yeah. But you'd you learn that anyways?" Swift asked, rubbing his neck.

"Practice." Elijah answered swiftly with a smirk and walked out of the dojo. Swift then chased after her and walked next to her to the couch.

"Well did you really have to go that hard? My neck hurts now." Swift grumbled with a pout.

"Swift, we get hurt a lot, either from training or missions, you should be used to it by now. And stop complaining, I didn't mean to hurt you, but it's practice for the bad guys. I can't go easy on you all the time." Elijah explained, rolling her eyes and plopping down onto the couch.

"Still..." Swift mumbled and sat down next to her.

"Well I thought it was pretty cool of what you did Eli." Anthony all of a sudden popped out nowhere and sat on her right side since Swift was on her left. "You need to teach us of how to do that."

"Well maybe if you guys actually take things seriously and stop eating pizza, then maybe." Elijah said and turned on the TV.

"How could you say that Elijah!?" Mikey had said this time and put a hand on his heart, dropping onto the couch dramatically, but the girl only rolled her eyes once again.

"Because I don't care." Elijah growled and stared blankly at the TV.

Swag had then appeared with the rest of the Punks and sat on the couch and chairs in the living room.

"You know, it just makes me wonder sometimes if you even have emotions, Elijah." Leo said with a chuckle.

"Elijah doesn't even have a heart." M.C added with a laugh, making the others laugh a little, too.

"Oh, shut up M.C, I do to." Elijah defended herself, glaring at him.

"Yeah right. I'm pretty sure it's been years since i've seen you even smile, or even laugh at that fact." M.C retorted, pointing at her like he figured out her secret.

"Because i'm just not a big, smiley person okay? And what does it matter? You guys never complained before. Also Ghost doesn't ever smile or talk and you're giving me crap for not being nice?" Elijah said, pointing at the tall, quiet turtle.

"Touché." M.C said.

Swift had then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "But that's our little bad girl."

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