You Are Brothers, Not Enemies.

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Description: Swift and Rebel fighting after a mission, the others have had enough.

Authors P.O.V.

The Street Punks had just gotten back from patrol, Rebel and Swift were arguing as always. They were fighting about how Swift told them to scope out some places he told them to go to, but Rebel being the stubborn hot head and short tempered one of the group, he didn't listen and slacked off, saying how he already checked it out, but he lied of course and didn't care that his leader found out, which he did.

They were now standing in front of the T.V in the living room, the other three were silently staring at their older siblings from behind the couch incase things got violent.

"Rebel, for once in your life can you please just listen to me when I give a simple order?! Is that so much to ask from you!?" Swift pleaded with his brother.

"Tsk, why should I? Just because Splinter put you in charge, he never said that you were the boss of me!" Rebel argued back.

"Uh, technically he did, does the words that came out his mouth, 'You are now the leader of this team, and the rest of you must respect your leader and follow his orders,' not get through your thick skull!?" Swift was now frustrated with his brother, irritated that he's not listening to him once again and being a complete child.

"And do you think I care of what Splinter thinks? No. So why can't you get it through your head that I don't want to or need to work with anyone? I'm capable of working by myself, but YOU won't fucking leave me alone and let me do my own thing!!" Rebel shouted the last part. If these two were cartoon characters, then their faces would be hot and red as a burning stove with steam coming out of their ears, well, if you could see them.

"It's my job to keep this team together and work together, because we are family. These are my orders from Sensei, so if you have a problem of how I run this team, then go talk to him about it, I don't have time for this."

"Yes you do, and plus, he did put you in charge like you always say, right? So that's why I'm having this conversation with you." Rebel smirked smugly, trying to piss off his brother.

Swift's eye then twitched, "YOU'RE FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE, YOU KNOW THAT!!?!??!" Swift finally yelled at his brother, shocking his other teammates since he never raises his voice that much, or rarely yells at all.

Elijah then rolled her eyes, finally having enough of all this fighting ever since she first met them.

"Would you guys just SHUT UP!?!" She snapped, the Punk turtles all turning their attention to her. She closed her eyes and crossed her arms, rubbing the bridge of her nose with one hand in frustration.

"You guys have been fighting the rest of the way home and it's giving me a FUCKING headache." Elijah looked up at the red and blue Punks, "You both need to stop fighting like fucking five year olds and actually start talking and discussing your problems like adults. Both of you are nineteen years old, and just yelling at each other non-stop won't get you anywhere. And you should also know that you guys are a team, and not only that, you are brothers, so act like it!" She yells at them and then stomps off to her room, slamming her door shut. Now it's just the four turtles in the living room, no one saying anything, but the red and blue Punks looked at each other.

"She's right, it is childish. And we're brothers. So be brothers." The youngest of the four in the room, M.C, spoke up, then walked to his room. Their other little brother, Ghost, just looked at them with no expression, and walked into his lab.

The older brothers are just standing there, saying nothing, but it's not like they have anything else to say to each other. So they both walked into their own rooms soon after. Everything was dead quiet that night.

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