Bets And Broken Feelings (Part 1)

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Basically the punks, Swag, Caesar, Slash, and Anthony made a bet to make Elijah blush.

I don't know, I don't have anything else better to do.

Elijah's P.O.V.

The guys have been extra annoying lately. They've been really flirty with me, like saying seductive things in my ear, touching, (not in a bad way), and even making excuses to strip in front of me! It's been a weird week for me and the whole time I've been trying to avoid them as much as possible, but some how they always find me and I hate it because it's so irritating! I mean, can't these idiots give me a break? Apparently not.

Anyways, I was on my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat, because I skipped lunch just to get away from them, when I stopped dead in my tracks. There stood a shirtless Caesar and Anthony eating cake with whipped cream. 'Oh come the fuck on!' I yelled angrily in my head. The two had then saw me and smirked.

"Hey Eli, want some?" Caesar purred seductively, but I had an angry poker face with a glare.

"Guys...what are you doing?" I asked casually.

"Enjoying some cake, that's all. Do you wanna join us?" He answered, stepping towards me until he had me pinned to the wall with his body and an arm resting above my head.

"No, I don't. Now can you please step away from me and put some goddamn shirts on!?" I yelled the last part, getting annoyed.

"Why? Does it bother you?" Anthony asked, standing next to Caesar.

"Yes, you guys are literally in my personal space while half nude, of course I would be bothered and uncomfortable." I growled.

"But we just want to have some fun with you. What's the harm?" Caesar asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me to his chest. I then put my hands on his pecs, trying to push him away, but he was too strong. Caesar is a mutant after all and I'm a human.

"Caesar, stop it. I'm not in the mood." I growled again, glaring at him.

"You heard her Caesar, back off man." I heard M.C say from behind us. Caesar let go of me and turned around to face my punk brother and Slash standing next to him.

The two lizards who were surrounding me had stepped back, giving me the advantage to bolt out of the kitchen and into the living room. I immediately plopped down onto the couch, taking a sigh of relief. 'The guys can't be in heat. It's not that season yet.' I say in my head, running a hand through my dirty-blonde hair, trying to think this over. Why are the guys being so weird to me lately? It doesn't make sense. I know that they don't have girlfriends, but do they really just have to throw themselves at me just to get off? If that's true then it's sick. If they wanna get off can't they just buy a hooker or whatever. I know plenty of sluts at school who will blow them for five bucks a pop.

My train of thought was sadly interrupted by a few bodies dipping into the couch, making me look up to see Swag staring at me with a weird emotion in their eyes. "Uhm- can I help you guys?" I asked awkwardly.

"We just wanted to hang out with you, is that fine?" Raph asked, the one who was sitting next to me, a little too close for my comfort though.

"Sure?" I said it more like a question, but I only brushed off the weird feeling and relaxed into the couch, grabbing the remote from the coffee table in the process. I lazily switched on the TV and flipped onto some cartoon, not really caring of what was on. I was mostly thinking of what was up with the boys and their behavior, but of course my train of thought was once again interrupted a minute later when a hand was rubbing my thigh, making me freeze.

I looked over at Raph and saw that it was him touching me, looking at me in the corner of his eyes with a mischievous smirk on his face. I only glared back, "Raph, knock it off." I groaned in annoyance, grabbing his hand and placing it on his own lap. I then resumed to watch the show, but he was back it again, inching closer and closer to my regions. That made me gasp and grip his arm with one hand and his wrist with the other. "Rafael!" I yelped in surprise.

"Raph, come on. Stop it." Leo said, giving him a jealous glare. Jealous? Why was he jealous?

"Whatever." He replied, taking his hand off of me and I moved a little bit closer to Leo just to feel safe. After a minute or two I was able to relax and enjoy the show on the TV, minding my own business when Leo had then grabbed my hand. That's it, I'm done. And with that thought, I shot up from the couch and faced the four with an angry glare.

"Everyone in here now!!" I yelled while crossing my arms, waiting for all the boys to show up and come into the living room, staring at me with confused and innocent eyes. Innocent? Bullshit.

"What is it, Eli?" Swift asked with a smirk.

"Don't you fucking 'Eli' me, reptile." I snapped with venom in my tone, death glaring him. "What the hell is wrong with all of you?" I asked.

"What?" Anthony asked, but that only made my eye twitch.

"What's with you guys lately? Huh? You've been flirting with me for the past week and it's getting annoying and creepy. Are you guys in heat?" I asked, but when I did, everyone just started laughing, making me confused, but I quickly replaced that look with a serious one.

Once everyone had calmed down, Slash had then decided to answer. "Haha, no, no Elijah, we're not in heat. We're only having some fun with you. That's all." He said with a smile. I only looked at him with an expression saying, 'are you kidding me?' on my face. They wanna play the hard way, then lets play the hard way. And with that thought, I walked over to a baseball bat that was next to the couch and came back to the front and hit M.C with it, shocking the others.

"What the hell Elijah?" He asked groaning, rubbing his head.

"If you guys won't tell me the truth of what the sudden pervert attacks on me are for, than I'll just beat all of you with this bat until one of you spills. And trust me, I'm not afraid of you. Now fucking spill before I start swinging." I threatened, pulling the bat back and getting ready to swing when Swift stood in front of me; blocking my way.

"Okay, okay! Jeez, we'll tell you. Just please give me the bat." He said in surrender.

"Tell me then I'll think about dropping the bat." I said sternly. I'm very stubborn, so it's impossible to change my mind. Swift had nodded and sat back onto the couch.

"Well, we made a bet about a week ago that whoever gets to make you blush first gets to tell the losers of what to do for a month. And so far nothing. We were just curious if someone like you actually gets flustered." Swift explained, looking away from me. It took me a moment to wrap that information around my brain, but when it finally sunk in...

I. Was. Pissed.

"Excuse me? But do I look like some kind of joke to you guys!?!" I yelled, turning around and smashing the TV with the bat and then throwing it across the living room in anger. "What kind of sick joke is that guys?! Tell me, do I look like a slut to you?!"

"Elijah, calm down." Slash said in a calming voice, standing up and walking towards me. On instinct, I whipped out my survival knives and pointed it at him, making the lizard back up with hands in the air; a sign of surrender.

"No Slash! I will not calm down! You guys played me like a fucking toy! You think this is funny!? You guys are complete idiots for even thinking of that stupid bet!" While I was yelling my voice cracked a little, tears falling down my face and my body shaking in anger and sadness. 'How could they do this to me!?' I thought.

"Eli...?" Swift said calmly.

"No! Don't you dare call me that! I don't ever wanna see you guys' faces, ever again!!" I yelled out one last time and ran out of the lair, the boys calling my name for me to come back. But did I care? No. They hurt me and played with my feelings. I thought they were different from everyone else, but I guess I was wrong, like always. I hate them.

I hate them.

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