We Are Family

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Description: The after math when Splinter died from Shedder. Enjoy!

Authors P.O.V.

The Punks and their friends were all standing in the middle of the cemetery, honoring Splinter for what he's done for them, but... there was one Punk that was missing. Elijah did want to attend, but she simply couldn't see the sight of her father figure over the years be buried into the ground. She's already lost her real parents when they turned on her and became abusive towards her, causing her to run away and roam the streets of New York when she was seven. It was like she was losing another important person in her life again. She couldn't go through that again.

After the funeral, they all went back to the lair for the after party. Everyone was still pretty upset, but they all tried to keep the mood up. Swag was actually starting to get concerned for their friend, so they told the Street Punks that they were gonna go and check on Elijah to see if she was holding up well. They agreed and Swag started walking up the stairs to Elijah's room. Once they arrived at her door, Leo knocked and then waited for an answer, but when no one responded, he spoke up, "Hey Elijah, it's us, Swag. Can we come in?" He asked. A few minutes later, they heard a voice.

"Come in..." The voice from behind the door was a little slurred and tired. She sounded like she was exhausted and her tone was raspy with some hiccups. Was Elijah drunk?

Leo then opened the door and walked into her room with his brothers behind him. They stopped to see the girl sitting on her bed with a bottle of whiskey in her hand. They froze. They have never seen her like this before, especially drinking. Elijah was always so strong with all of her other difficulties from her past life, and she never drank or did drugs to solve her personal problems, so this was new.

"Holy shit, Elijah, what did you do?" Raph asked in slight shock, heart broken to see her look so miserable, she literally had the 'I'm ready to die now' look on her face and pain in her eyes. Elijah even had an aura of depression around her, filling the air in her room. Elijah then looked up at the four and smiled sadly, the boys now seeing the dried up tear stains on her cheeks and the bloodshot puffy eyes with tears still appearing.

"Only trying to numb the pain." Elijah chuckled sadly and looked at the bottle.

Leo then walked over to her, took the bottle away from her and set it down on the floor next to their feet. She looked up at him in slight confusion, but then froze when he hugged her tightly. "It's okay, Eli, we miss him, too." He cooed softly.

The others then walked over to the two and all sat on the floor in front of the two. "Eli, drinking won't solve things-"

"Then what am I supposed to do, Raph? Huh? Just go downstairs with the rest and act like nothing happened? Heh,  yeah, what total bullshit." She frowned and Leo let go of her, sitting down on her bed next to her. Looking at her in concern and pity.

"Eli, I know you're hurting, but you're not the only one who misses him, we all do, we know your pain. But if you just sit here, drinking the night away and not go downstairs with everyone else and talk about it, then you're only gonna hurt more." Leo said matter-of-factly.

"..You know my pain...?" She asked in a whisper, but the others heard and got a little cautious at her question. "So, you know what it's like to have your own parents become abusive drunks and hate you for no reason? You know what it's like to have no friends? You know what it's like to run away from the ones you once loved, trying to escape from your childhood fears you thought you once gotten rid of but still haunt you at night!?" She yelled at them with an angry glare in her eyes, catching the others by surprise.

It was a moment of silence before Mikey spoke up, "Well no. But we do know of how to fix that sort fear and pain." He smiled softly at her. Leo then returned his smile and looked at Elijah, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"It will be okay Elijah, everything will be just fine. We'll get through this together, I promise. We are family after all, and we're not going anywhere."

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