The New Guy Has His Eyes On Little Eli (Part 1)

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Description: This oneshot is where Elijah is straight and sadly, Kate is not in this :( But at the top is Azazel Grey and he ends up being the new student at school and his eyes are landed on Elijah and immediately starts to have feelings for her, but Elijah being the tough bitch she is, she tries to stay away from him and ignore him at all costs and whenever he is near her she tries to be all tough and hardcore around him. But soon she starts to have feelings for him, too, even though she doesn't want to admit it. So I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot and comment on what you think about this. Thank you!

Warning: some lemon in the future.

Authors P.O.V.

"This is so lame." Elijah muttered under her breath, staring out the window. She was currently in Math and sitting in the back of the class, waiting for the teacher. Her friends weren't there to entertain or keep her busy since some of them are either smoking behind the school or in different classes.

The Punk sighed, Elijah is only friends with the Punks, Swag, and a few others, but no one else is, since pretty much the rest of the school, even teachers, are scared of her for being;

1. A Punk.

2. The people she hangs out with.

But that's Elijah's reputation. Being the bad gangster girl that fights, smokes and has piercings on her face and body parts. But you know, she wouldn't change herself and her life for the world because of how lucky she is to have the best of friends she has now and she doesn't and never will regret it.

She smiled a little bit at the thoughts of her friends, but then some guy of her class walked up to her and cleared his throat to get her attention, ruining her train of thought. When she turned her head to look at him, her small smile turned into a frown, but the guy only smirked seductively at her with lust in his eyes. It was Brad. The playboy and heartbreaker of the school. Elijah kicked his ass one time since he was messing with Hashi and Sia, trying to get into their pants, but it looks like he just didn't care and is coming back for more.

"Hey baby, you look pretty bored, so I thought that we could probably have some fun. What do you say?" He winked at her and leaned over her desk. Elijah looked around the classroom out of the corner of her eye and saw that everyone was staring at them and listening to their conversation, looking scared. Like I said, everyone except her friends, are scared of Elijah, so no one even dared to talk to her, afraid of what she might do to them.

The girl also noticed that some looked at Brad like he was crazy for what he's getting himself into or pitied him since they already know of what's to come for him. And it won't be pretty. She then looked back up at Brad who was smirking still with a lustful look that actually looked creepily disgusting to her. But Elijah returned his look and spoke in an innocent voice while rising up from her seat, lucky that her teacher wasn't here yet and the door was closed.

"Do you wanna fuck me hard Bradly?" She spoke with fake lust in her voice, but Brad being the complete idiot he is, he didn't know that Elijah was faking this and luring him into her trap.

"Why not? I think a beautiful and sexy girl like you deserves a good fucking. Do you want it baby? Do you want me to ravage you?" He held her chin with his fingers and brought her face closer to his. She then moved to sit on her desk, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She smirked at him and brought her lips to his ear, breathing her hot breath on it.

"You know something?" She whispered and then bit his ear lobe.

"What?" He purred.

"Go fuck an old man, you pervert." She hissed and kneed his crotch hard, making him scream and fall to the floor. Elijah then hopped off of her desk and kicked him in the face.

"Listen here, bitch." She growled and grabbed the collar of his shirt, glaring venomous daggers at him, making him go pale. "The next time you pull this kinda shit with me or anyone else, I swear..." She smiled an innocent smile, but her eyes looked murderous and spoke in an evil, dark voice, "I'll kill you." She then released his shirt and he scrambled away and out of the classroom, probably crying his eyes out like a big baby.

Elijah looked around the classroom and at her terrified classmates. "Anyone else want to have some fun?" She smirked evilly and they all shook their heads and sat down at their desks, their mouths shut. "That's what I thought." She chuckled and sat back down at her seat, looking out the window.

Just then, the teacher came in and faced the class with a smile.

"Class, today we have a new student and I want you all to treat him with open arms and make him feel welcome instead of feeling threatened, am I clear Ms. Black?" The teacher gave Elijah a warning glare on the last part, but the Punk only rolled her eyes.

"Crystal." She answered with a bored tone. Elijah didn't and never will bully anyone, she only beats up people that try to bully, sexual harass or hurt her, the same goes with her friends. She doesn't start the fights, she ends them, she always has been, but her teachers always think that she's the opposite of what she does for real. Which sucks.

"Anyways, as I was saying, um, you can come in now." Elijah faced the door and next came a hot looking dude with dark brown eyes and brunette hair walking into the classroom. I think his eyes are what caught everyone's attention and looked at him in awe and jaws dropped. Elijah just stared with no expression. But, she did feel her heart skip a beat, which was weird for her.

"Hey, my name's Azazel Grey and I hope I can get to know you guys soon." He smiled a handsome smile, making the girls sigh and melt, while the guys were looking at him like he was a competition.

Elijah only rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "Thank you Mr. Grey you can have a seat next to Ms. Black there." The teacher said, and everyone froze. You could literally feel the tenseness in the air.

But it seemed he didn't even notice, and sat right next to her, "Hey there." He said to her with a soft smile.

Elijah only looked at the new boy with a poker face and didn't say anything. She just... stared.

"What's your name? I'm Azazel." He introduced himself and stuck out his hand.

She just glared at him, "I already know, dumbass. Ya don't need to repeat it." She growled, but he only chuckled, not seeming to be offended by her comment and name.

"You seem mad, are you having a bad day? Why not smile?" He asked her with some concern in his eyes, but mostly... interest in them, too.

She frowned, "I am, yes, and because you're here." She answered all three questions swiftly and looked away, but he used his hand and touched the side of her face and forced her to look at him. This dude wasn't even scared of what he was doing! He was touching Elijah Black!!

"I could make you smile if you want. I feel like I need to make you happy. I don't know what but, I want to get to know you more." He smirked and stroked her cheek. His words and actions made her blush like a firetruck. "We're gonna get along quite well, Ms. Black."

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