Badboy!Azazel x Nerd!Elijah

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Elijah at the top!

This is Azazel.

Both pics are not mine and all the other ones aren't as well.

Both pics are not mine and all the other ones aren't as well

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Authors P.O.V.

It was a regular school day for young Elijah Black. She was known as the school's biggest nerd because she was super smart and even looked like one. But she didn't mind honestly, she liked of who she was and no one else had a problem with it either.

Right now she was walking down the hallway of her school while reading one of her favorite books, 'Breaking Dawn.' People think it's cheesy, but she finds it interesting. She's actually a big fan of romance books with mythical creatures in it, she thinks it makes the book way better and fascinating to read.

Anyways, she was so busy reading that she didn't notice the 6ft mutant turtle in front of her and accidentally bumped into him, but since he was stronger than her, she ended up dropping her book and falling backwards. That was when the group of teens looked down at her, only...

One Punk was checking her out.

Elijah then looked up at them and blushed up to her ears, looking away again and pushing up her glasses. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't look of where I was going!" She said and grabbed her book again, standing and walking around the group, but then the boy who was checking her out grabbed her arm and pushed her up against the lockers, resting his hand next to her head.

"It's fine, but Rebel should watch of where he's going next time." He said, looking at the red punk who glared at him in response.

"Uh- no! It's not his fault! I wasn't looking of where I was going! Please don't blame him!" She said and looked down at her shoes.

"Guys, could you leave us alone for a bit?" The boy asked while looking at Elijah and then they both heard footsteps going down the halls. Elijah all of a sudden felt a hand grab her chin gently and made her look at him, blushing madly.

"What's your name, Sweetheart?" 'Oh god, it's him!' Elijah thought in her head. Azazel Gray was Elijah's biggest crush. She first met him this year of her senior year, Azazel in the same year as well. She's also noticed of how he would stare at her in some of the classes that they have together. Now she thought, 'He would never fall for someone like me, I'm the nerd and he's the bad boy of the school. It would never work.' But who knew that the school's most biggest and smartest nerd... would be wrong?

"Um- E-Elijah..." She stuttered in a soft voice, blushing even more when she looked into his hypnotic brown eyes.

"That's pretty sexy for a girl." He purred in amusement; satisfied that he was making his nerdy crush all flustered and nervous.

"T-Thank you, um... I already know of who you are. I-I mean, because you're all popular and stuff and you're name is pretty much said everywhere I go, so..." She was cut off by a chuckle and looked at him, confused.

"I know. Hey, can I catch you this Friday night for a date?" His question made her freeze and stare at him like she couldn't believe her ears. Was he, Azazel Gray asking Elijah Black, the nerd, out on a date?! Elijah couldn't believe it, but she was so happy, too.

"O-Oh- um- I-uh... s-sure, I don't mind." The nerd smiled softly, but she was only trying to hide her bigger smile full of happiness.

"Alright then, see you at 6:00." He winked with a smirk and walked away.

Once he was out of sight, Elijah let out a giggle and blushed madly. Leaning against the lockers and sliding down to the floor, holding her knees against her chest.

'I can't believe that he asked me out.' She thought before getting up and walking down the hall.

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