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Elijah's son, River, at the top. Picture is not mine.

Authors P.O.V.

Elijah was sitting on the couch with baby River, her son, in her lap and playing with his tiny little hands. She was waiting for her husband Azazel, Swag, and the Punk's to show up at her and Azazel's house. They were all busy having a fun time together, but none of the girls or anyone else was available to watch the baby, but she also wanted to have some quality time with her only son while her soulmate had some guy time with her brothers and their boyfriends.

River was laughing happily as Elijah tickled his stomach when she heard the front door open then close along with footsteps coming towards the living room. She immediately knew who it was just by the chuckling of her family.

"Elijah?!" She heard Azazel call out for his wife.

"In here!" She responded.

And with that, Elijah turned her head to face her mutant friends and husband. She smiled softly and turned back to little River. She continued to play with his little hands when she felt bodies sit on the couch on both her sides, on the floor, and in a few chairs in the living room. "How was you guys' night?" She asked while looking at her baby fondly with a smile.

"It was fine." Azazel answered and wrapped an arm around her waist and used his other hand to point his finger at his son, River saw it and held it with his much smaller hand, making Azazel smile.

"How's the baby, Eli?" Leo asked, making her look up at the group.

"He's perfectly fine, he still has some energy, so I'm trying to worn him out a little. I swear he's stubborn like me. Did I give birth to a troublemaker?" She asked with a laugh, making the others chuckle with her, too, and look at the baby that was in her lap in adoration.

"I'm glad you guys are doing fine. You're amazing parents." M.C commented.

"Thanks, M." She replied.

"Why couldn't you have just left River with the others?" Swift asked.

"Because the girls are busy." She said.

"Slash, Caesar?"

"Slash is being lazy and a pain in the ass and Caesar, well I have no idea of where he is."


"Oh please, the guy doesn't even know of how to keep a girlfriend for a whole month." She said looking up once again at her friends.


She just gave him a 'really' look. "The last time I trusted him he ended up almost set something on fire."

"Okay, I guess you have a good point." Swift said with a defeated sigh.

"Don't I always?" She smiled, giving her leader a proud smirk. "But seriously, I wanted you guys to have your fun, you know, have some guy time together. I don't mind having some time with River. It's actually nice to have some mother-son time." She said with a smile, gently playing with River's soft, fluffy black hair.

"You can't get enough can you, Elijah?" Azazel asked.

She then looked at him like he was crazy, "He's the cutest thing ever! How can I possibly say goodbye to him!? And plus, he's my son, so back off before I beat your ass." She glared at him and he raised his hands in surrender.

"You guys' relationship is so amusing and I still can't get over that you two fell for each other." Donnie said with a laugh.

"Tsk, I still can't believe four giant and scary looking beasts like my brothers actually have a heart." She laughed with a smirk, making the Punks glare at her, but she only stuck her tongue out at them.

"But seriously, this is nice, making memories. I like this, dudes." Mikey smiled brightly.

Elijah smiled, as well as everyone else. She then looked down at her baby boy and stroked his cheek with her thumb.

She smiled softly, "I love making memories, too, Mike."

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