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Description: Elijah dreaming of her worst fears.

Elijah's P.O.V.

Elijah's Dream

It was a dark, cold night in N.Y.C and we were on top of the rooftops battling Shredder.

It was only us five, the Street Punks, fighting against our greatest enemy.


I was the only one standing.

The boys were all lying on the concrete rooftop of the building since Shredder had taken them down, I was pretty beaten up, too. I didn't care though, I had to fight. For my friends, my family...

I wasn't quitting any time soon.

Shredder and I were staring each other down while we were only a few feet away from each other, waiting for one of us to do something. On his metal helmet, there was a rectangular shape opening where only his eyes are seen, making me notice him looking me up and down, judging and thinking, then he chuckled darkly.

"You call yourself a ninja? You even dare to join this kind of thing?" He tsked, "Please, you're more suited to just being a bratty little kid and causing trouble like everyone else in this hell hole. You're only gonna make a fool of yourself. You're a joke, a fake. You don't belong here or anywhere else. But I do believe that the devil himself is taking in freaks. You'll fit right in I bet." I could tell that he was smirking behind his helmet.

I glared daggers at him, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I DO belong here, around the people that love me for me. I have much right of staying in this sort of position because I actually train hard and fight. But you on the other hand, I think you need to learn some teamwork and kindness a bit. Your heart and soul look like they need it." I smirked back at him.

"Aww, you think they love you?" He cooed, but I raised an eyebrow at him. "They don't really love you, you know. Come on brat, you should know this by now."


"They're lying to you." Shredder walks over to Swift and kneels down. "They only say that because they pity you. You were never important to them and you never will be. In fact, I'm pretty sure whenever we had our little reunions, they would always say something negative about you. Like of how you're so weak and can't do anything by yourself, or of how you're so stupid that you need to be supervised 24/7, and with that, you just waste their time, screw up their plans, and distract them from focusing on their own more 'important' duties." Shredder pulled out his claws.

My eyes widened, "No! Stop it!" But it was too late, he stabbed Swift in the stomach, tears had then ran down my face with my mouth hung open in shock.

"Aww, what's wrong, Elijah? I thought you would've hated them from what they think of you." I shook my head vigorously.

"No, you're wrong! Everything you say is a lie! I don't want to listen! They love me, after all those years... how could that possibly be a lie!" I dropped my knives and placed my hands on my head, my fingers digging into my hair with tears still going down my face. My whole body was shaking in anger, confusion, and frustration. He's fucking lying.

"No I'm not, Elijah. You have to face the facts, they don't feel the same way as you. Why would they even care for such a useless troubling brat like yourself?"

"Even if they hated me, I would still love them!!" I shouted, "They've done so much for me, even if it was all a lie, still I would..." I sobbed and dropped to my knees.

I looked up and my eyes widened, regretting that I even took a peek. There, in front of me, was Shredder with blood on his hands and claws, and on the sides, were my brothers, with blood pooling out of their mouths and stomachs like a waterfall.

I screamed and backed away, crying even harder. "How could you have such a cold heart... YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed the last part and glared at him once again, but with tears in my eyes, making my vision blurry. He had no expression on his face, or from what I could see from the exposed part of his helmet.
"I hope you fucking rot in hell, you hear!? You're a heartless murderer that only cares about himself! Why couldn't you just have left us alone!?" I yelled out in anger.

"I was only trying to help you Elijah. To make you see the truth. To help you open your eyes to the real world; reality."

I shook my head slowly, "No, no it-it's not true. It can't be true. N-No." I stuttered to myself, looking down at the concrete beneath me.

"It is true. All you have to do, is to believe it." Shredder walked in front of me.

"No, I don't want to believe. I can't believe anything anymore. I don't know WHAT I'm supposed to believe." I whispered to myself mostly.

I was then grabbed by my jaw and forced to face Metal Breath.

"Believe it!"

End of dream

Elijah's P.O.V.

"No please!" I yelled and sat up quickly in bed. Wait, bed?

I looked around at my surroundings. I was in my bed, in my room, the one that was in the lair, along with the b- "Oh God, the boys!" I said out loud and rushed out of bed. I bolted out of my room and headed downstairs. Once I reached the bottom, I saw my four punk older brothers all talking to each other. M.C was talking about something that included pizza or whatever, Ghost was cleaning his hand gun, Rebel and Swift were just listening to their little brother talk bullshit.

I sucked in a sob when I saw all of them in one place, all of them okay and breathing, here... with me.

I then walked over to them behind the couch quietly and cautiously, but Swift noticed me, "Elijah? Hey, you okay?" That got the others attention and they all went up to me, Swift standing directly in front of me.

But what I did surprised them all, even me if I cared at the moment. I wrapped my arms around Swift's neck and hugged him tightly, pushing my face into his chest and sobbed.

"Elijah? Hey what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. I felt safe, protected, and warm in his arms. I was more focused on my brothers being here with me, alive and unharmed, that I almost didn't hear of what he said, but I did.

I sniffed and pulled back, wiping away my leftover tears and smiled weakly, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It..." I looked down at the floor, "It was only a nightmare."

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ