Street Punks

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Description: The guys don't understand of why the Street Punks are so violent.

Authors P.O.V.

Swag and the girls were all waiting for the Punks to show up at the moment. Right now they were at Hamato Records and they all wanted to hang out since they had no school and work, so the group wanted to have some time together. Kate kept checking her phone incase if Elijah texts her.

"Kate, calm down, they'll be here, just give them some time. Do you really think that Elijah would cheat on you?" Hash said, trying to reassure and comfort the girl.

"I know but, still... I'm just trying to look out for her. And I'm also sure that it's not wrong to check any text messages from your girlfriend every few seconds to see if they responded." She said a-matter-of-factly.

Just then, Anthony, Slash, and Caesar all walked into the room.

"Hey guys!" Anthony called out and smiling like an idiot.

Leo then stood up, "Hey boys, glad you're here. We're just waiting for the rest."

"Of course. Can they just have one day without beating someone up?" Tony asked jokingly.

"Can we ever have a day without you opening your big mouth?" Elijah's voice was heard from behind Anthony and they all turned to look at her and the Punks by her side.

Kate then perked up and smiled brightly, "Elijah!" She said excitedly and ran into the Punk's arms.

"Hey babe, sorry we're late. We had some business to take care of." She smirked and looked at the others by her side, and they smirked back at her.

"Don't you guys ever show any mercy?" Mikey asked.

"No." Swift stated simply as he and the rest of the Punks walked over to their boyfriends.

"Well anyways, it's nice to see you guys again." Slash interfered.

"You too. It's been too long." Swift said and gave him a bro hug. "And also, before I forget, we were late not because of beating someone up, but to get revenge." He explained and the others looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Caesar asked.

Swift then looked over at Elijah and the others looked at her as well. She smirked, "Do you guys know that dickwad Josh?" They all nodded. Josh was the douche bag at their high school and a complete jerk and bully to everyone, but he's also popular with a slutty girlfriend, "Well last week he put a dent in my motorcycle and acted like it was an "accident." So I took matters into my own hands and destroyed his new car on our way here." She said simply like it was no big deal. The others just blinked at her like they couldn't believe it.

"Well that's... something." Raph said slowly.

Through a moment of silence, Anthony broke it. "Well anyways, why don't we have some fun?" He asked.

They all smiled.

"That's sounds good." Swift said.

"And seriously, you guys can be ruthless sometimes." Raph said.

"Well that's a Street Punk for you." Elijah confirmed.

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