For inttimate

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Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that I came across one of the stories that I saved in my library. I was looking at the comments and saw one that said AngriestTangerine. I read about it and the writer who wrote this was talking about this organization that supports anti-lgbtq+ and of how they also blame people like that because they think that we give others diseases. This is because of how they were raped and beaten for being gay at 14 and is 17 now, how much they were traumatized with the incident and was suffering from that and HIV from the horrific event. So Dallon, if you are reading this than I am so sorry you had to experience that. I'm lesbian but I didn't experience that before, but my friend was almost raped when she was kid by some other boy her age, (She's alright and he never got to have his chance) but still, I support you 100%.

If you guys support them then please follow them and their amazing stories that they created. And please give them all the love and support that they deserve. I love you Dallon and hope you live your amazing life in peace and heal well.

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora