Don't Touch My Girl

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Description: Elijah being a possessive motherfucker.

This is another one of my Elijah x Kate oneshots, hope you like it.
WARNING: This is GxG romance!!

Elijah's P.O.V.

It was me, Kate and Swag today. Hey, they're my friends too, I can hang out with them anyways. Plus, I could really use a day without the punks being annoying and bothering me, and they were doing something with Kasey and Slash anyways, so there's a win-win.

Right now we were at the mall and chilling at the food-court, talking and catching up with some things. "So, how are you guys doing with your new song, did Mikey fall on his face while dancing or did his voice crack while singing?" I smirk, I'm always being the smug smart-ass, but I can't help it, it's fun to make fun of people, mostly Mikey, and just because I'm a lesbian, it doesn't mean that I don't find Mikey cute at times, especially when he's angry. He's like an angry kitten when he gets mad.

The others tried to stifle in a laugh, but Mikey was glaring at me with much little effort.
"Oh wow Elijah, that was so funny I forgot to laugh." He said in a bored tone.

I chuckled, then I felt Kate tug at my arm, making me look in her direction, "Hey babe, I'm gonna go and get another soda for us, k?" She smiled brightly, I just softly smiled back, "Sure." She then pecked my lips and walked off, me looking after her.

"You're possessive." I heard Raph mutter, making me turn my head in his direction.

"Well, she is my girlfriend. What? I can't be a little possessive of her? Now here I thought that my brothers and you four were the same with each other?" I said matter-of-factly. The others just blushed slightly, making me smirk.

"Well yeah, but you can't keep your eyes off of Kate for a second. It's like you're addicted." Donnie said this time, the others nodding in agreement.

I just rolled my eyes, "Hey, she doesn't have a problem with it, but if she does, then she'll tell me and I'll back off." I said leaning back in my seat, "So keep your traps shut, you green morons." I growled and pointed at them.

I then caught Raph's eyes looking behind me. Now me being the curious cat I am, I looked behind me. What I saw made me see red for a second.

There was Kate standing next to a sorted soda machine, with some dude flirting with her. He was talking to her, but whatever he was saying made her look like she was uncomfortable and was trying to turn him down gently, her being the polite girly-girl she is.

I growled under my breath and the boys saw me scoping them out, I probably looked like a lion about to kill a deer that weighed about a 100 lbs of asshole. I was not happy with what I'm seeing.

Kate. Is. Mine!

"Elijah, chill." I heard Leo say, but I was so blinded by beating this guy to a pulp, his voice sounded muffled to me. I then shot up from my seat and stormed over to the two.

When I was getting closer to them, I spotted the guys hand on her shoulder, trying to pull her closer. My blood was boiling with anger and rage. I was only a few feet away when I could hear of what they were saying, and I did not like it.

"Um, c-could you please remove your hand, I don't really like it. I'm with someone." Kate said nervously.

"Oh, well that's alright. How about I leave you my number in case you get bored?" And with that, I grabbed the guy's shoulder and spun him around so he was facing me.

"Back off pal, she said she wasn't interested. So why don't you and your hormones go find someone else who is actually interested in guys." Venom was literally oozing out of my mouth, hatred and anger were formed into daggers and I shot them at the guy with my eyes in a glare.

"Well who is she with?" He said smugly, crossing his arms.

"Me, you dipshit." I said through clenched teeth, but this guy just didn't know when to give up. Idiot.

"Well then, hate to break it to you, but I had my eyes on her first. So how about you go find someone else to lick, you slutty punk." He smirked at me and grabbed Kates' hand. I saw red at that point and then... I snapped.

I grabbed his wrist that was holding her hand and punched him in the face, punched him in the stomach, and then kicked him in the nuts, making him hold himself and fall on his knees, giving me a perfect advantage to kick him in the face.

"ELIJAH!!!!" I heard Kate shout, making me stop my actions and look at her. She looked at me with worry and then walked up to me slowly, grabbing my hand, staring and rubbing my now bruised knuckles. This action distracted me from the group of people staring at us.

"Please, lets just go home, okay?" She said softly and looked up at me with hopefulness in her eyes. I couldn't say no to her begging puppy eyes. I still had an emotionless expression on my face but my eyes softened and I spoke in a calm voice, "Okay." That made her smile and drag me by the hand. I then remembered something, stopped in my tracks and turned, "Catch you guys later. Sorry about this." I called out for Swag, all of them looking at me like I was crazy, but nodded anyways. And with that, me and Kate continued our way back to her house.

*Time Skip*

"Now was that really necessary, babe?" Kate combed her fingers through my long, dirty blonde hair, making me relax. Once we got home, we immediately went to Kate's room. She was resting her head against the pillows with my head lying on her lap. I was still pissed, but in this situation we're in now, I'll be calm soon.

I didn't answer her and just wrapped my arms around her waist, switching onto my stomach and snuggled my face into her stomach.

"I was jealous and he was touching you." I mumbled in her stomach, closing my eyes.

She giggled, "I know... Hey Eli?"


"I love you." She smiled down at me and kissed my head.

I smiled softly, "I love you, too."

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ