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Description: Elijah and Azazel are parents and have a 14 year old son who gotten into a fight with some boys at school, Elijah teaches him from his mistakes.

River at the top and it is not mine!

Authors P.O.V.

The Punks, Azazel, Caesar and Swag were all in the living room watching TV when they heard the front door open and close.

"I'm home!" Called River, Elijah's and Azazel's son.

"Oh hey River, how was your- oh my god River!" Elijah yelled out the last part when she saw her son with bruises and blood on his face and bolted up from the couch, the others following from her sudden outburst.

Elijah immediately cupped his face gently and looked at his wounds. "River, what the hell happened to you!? Who did this!?" Elijah said in her overprotective mother voice, getting pissed immediately from the thought of someone hurting her son.

"It's fine, Mom, really, just a couple of douche bags from school were bullying some kid and I stood up and tried to help him out, and so here I am." River explained like it was no big deal, but Elijah was having none of it.

"We'll talk about this later, but right now, lets get you cleaned up." And with that, she grabbed his hand and brought him into Ghosts' lab and sat him on the table. "Azzy, could you get me the first aid?" Elijah asked her husband and he nodded, searching for the first-aid kit.

Caesar then went up to his cousin, "Dude, you look so fucked up right now." He laughed and nudged his shoulder.

"Yeah, I know, though Mom looks like she's about to bash some heads in." River laughed quietly.

Elijah then came back and started to patch her son up.

"River, did you start the fight?" Elijah asked.

"No, I only said, 'fuck off and fuck a slut' to the guy and he hit me first. Then the teacher came before anything had gotten out of hand and sent me home without asking of what happened or who started it." River explained and Elijah nodded.

"Son, what have we told you? If you want to help someone from being bullied or whatever, just grab them and walk away without saying anything, or at least be polite and don't say things like that." Azazel lectured.

"I know, I'm sorry..." River said and looked down.

Once the mother punk was done healing River's wounds, Elijah looked at him. She placed the kit next to him on the table, then turned to face the group, "Boys, could you leave us for a moment?" They all nodded and left, closing the door behind them.

Elijah turned back around and the room was silent. "River..." She said quietly. Elijah all of a sudden sighed in relief and hugged him tightly. "Don't you ever do that again."

River was a bit surprised since his mom always lectures him whenever he gets in trouble. "You could've gotten seriously hurt and I wouldn't know. So please, don't do it again." Elijah then pulled back and grabbed his shoulders, looking him straight in the eye. "If you want to be the good guy, then be the bigger man and get some help instead of fighting on your own, okay?"

"But you, dad, and my uncles used to fight all the time, Uncle Swift told me himself and to stick up for myself and others." He defended.

Elijah's eye twitched, "I'll have to give him a talking to later." She growled under her breath, "But no, I'm proud that you didn't start it, but I don't want you coming home after school with a black eye everyday. Do you understand me? I just don't want you to make the same decisions I did when I was your age. I got hurt a lot and kept to myself because of it, and that's the last thing I want from you, River. You're my son, I don't want you to be all bottled up and not express of how you're feeling or thinking. I don't want you to hurt yourself and go on the wrong path, okay?" Elijah hugged him again, a few tears in her eyes. "Promise me, you won't do it again and to also not to listen to your dumbass uncles?" She growled out the part, making him giggle and hug his mother back.

"I promise, I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, River."

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