I Just Want To Be Part Of The Family - Part 2 (Human!Turtles)

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Their friends who are mutants are humans too.

Elijah's P.O.V.

Today's Monday and I fucking hate it. The teachers, the students, and just the entire school. It all sucks ass. And I'm still a bit shaken up from last Saturday because of what Swift did to me. I was able to find some concealer in my moms purse to cover up the marks, but my neck is still a bit sore. People at school don't know that me and the boys are siblings, and we all want it that way.

As I was grabbing some books from my locker, I then felt someone push me, making me bang my head into the metal locker. I groaned quietly and turned around to face the Punk girls, who were smirking at me with mischief.

"Hey slut, tell us, how was Swifts' dick? Did you swallow his cum like the good little whore that you are?" Fierce smirked evilly at me, the others were all just giggling with her. I only looked at her with a blank face and turned back around to close my locker shut. Apparently, she didn't like my answer and spun me back around to face her now angry face and slapped me hard. Great, that's going to leave a mark. "Bitch, answer me!" She yelled.

Since my head was down, my hair was covering my face, and so she couldn't see me. "Are you sure you didn't get us mixed up, Fierce?" I shot back, earning a few 'ooh's' from her sisters, all of the others students were already in their classes, leaving the halls empty.

"Tsk, whatever, i'll just have the Punks take care of you." She challenged, but I did nothing that showed I was scared. After a minute or two, she got bored of me and walked off with her friends, but not before punching me in the face, slamming me into the lockers and then sliding down to the floor.

I stayed there for a few minutes when I heard four pairs of feet coming my way, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was then shocked when I heard the words I haven't heard in a long time.

"Hey, you okay?" The voice asked, but I recognized it immediately. It was Leo. Now I knew that Swag was right in front of me, making me look up at them in shock because they were actually wasting their time being concerned about me. That's new.

Leo knelt down to my level and held out his hand for me to take. I looked at it in caution, wondering if this was only a play, but then I looked at him and saw that he was looking at me with concern, so I took his hand and he helped me up to my feet. But I looked down at the floor in embarrassment because the four most popular boys at school were seeing me at my worst.

"You're Elijah, correct?" Raph asked. I only nodded. "It's nice to meet you." He said kindly.

"Yeah dudette, finally we get to meet you!" Mikey said in his usual cheery voice. He then walked over to my side and put his hand on my shoulder gently, but I only flinched and coward away from him. He frowned and backed up a little to give me space, happy that he understood my memo.

I froze and looked at Swag in confusion, "W-What do you mean you finally get to meet me?" I asked, confused on why someone ever even wants to see me.

"Well, we've seen you around, but you're always disappearing and avoiding people, so we never really had the chance to talk to you. Also with us being surrounded by friends and you being such a good hider." I blushed a little at the compliment.

"I'm nothing special, in fact, I don't even know of why you want to see me in the first place. Aren't I just gonna ruin your reputation if you guys are seen with me?" I asked them, well more like stated the facts to them, trying to make them understand and just leave me alone.

"Who cares? It doesn't hurt anyone to make friends." Mikey said with a smile.

"I don't want or need friends." I said quietly, but they all heard me. Through the hair that was covering my eyes, I could see them all frown. That was when I looked up at them, "Look, I understand that you guys are all popular and whatever, but you don't need to be friends with everybody in this hell hole that I can't believe is called a school. I don't need friends. Really, I don't. But thanks anyways." I said and walked down the hallway to the girls' bathroom.

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