Elijah's Birthday (Part 2)

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Authors P.O.V.

It was only a few hours later after their talk. Elijah was busy getting dressed since it was cold out and dark. Once she placed on her black finger gloves, she grabbed her flashlight, phone, and a bouquet of flowers. She then opened her door and went downstairs to see all of her friends sitting there in the living room, then their attention turned to her.

"Happy birthday Elijah." Mei said, getting up from the couch and walking over to her, giving her a hug. Mei then noticed her clothing and flowers.

She raised her eyebrow and looked up at her, "Uh, going somewhere?"

"Um, actually that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. I thought it was only going to be the boys, but... I guess it's time for you guys to meet them." She smiled only slightly. Everyone else gave her a confused look and they were all thinking the same thing.

'What did she mean by, 'meeting them?'

"What are you talking about?" Mei asked.

Elijah only smiled, "Just follow me, you'll see." And she started walking towards the exit of the lair, everyone else was following her. Luckily they didn't waste any time since everyone was already dressed up for the cold.

*Time Skip*

The group of teenagers finally made it to their destination. But everyone was confused when they were entering a cemetery.

Leo then faced everyone, "You think she's finally lost it and is going to kill us?" That made everyone look at Elijah, who was busy looking for something, with fear. But they knew Elijah was better than that and walked over to where she was standing.

She was facing two gravestones that says,

'Here lyes Mr. and Mrs. Black. Known for being great friends, siblings, and parents.

Mr. Jonathan Black born in 1969-2015.

Mrs. Jessie Black born in 1979-2015.

You will be remembered.'

The group of mutants and humans all looked at Elijah with shocked expressions on their faces.

Caesar spoke up then, "Elijah, are they your..."

"My parents? Yep, this is them. This is what I mean by meeting them. I come here every holiday and birthday to see them. They died three years ago on my birthday. That's why I never wanted to do anything, cause I felt like I was celebrating their death and it hurts to remember, too." She didn't take her eyes off of the gravestones, no facial expression shown.

She then smiled sadly, "I miss them. Like you wouldn't believe." Her voice cracked a little at the end, a tear running down her cheek. She then kneeled down and placed the flowers on top of the gravestones gently like a porcelain doll.

Everyone was still, not saying anything. The atmosphere wasn't awkward, but peaceful, the group of friends taking a good look at the two cement stones.

Raph then placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder for comfort. "Eli, you okay?" He asked in concern for his friend.

She wiped away a few tears and sniffled, "Yeah, um, I'm sorry if I dragged you guys here, I probably ruined your night."

Raph then defended everyone present, "Hey, hey, don't say that, it's alright. We don't mind. It's actually kinda nice that you're opening apart of your past. It means you trust us." He kneels down next to her, Swift doing the same. Pretty soon, they were all sitting around the gravestones.

"Why didn't you tell us before about this?" Mikey asked, looking at Elijah, but she didn't take her eyes off of her parents stones the whole time they were there.

"It was sort of my thing for just coming here alone. I've been doing this kinda thing for three years now. And I'm sorry for not telling you guys and always blowing you off, even though you guys were being nice." She explained. "But... I have to admit that this is the best, less depressing birthday I've ever had after my parents died." She smiled, making the others smile. Elijah's smile always made someone in the same room as her smile as well.

"If you don't mind me asking, but, how did your parents pass away?" Donnie politely asked, not wanting to sound rude or pushing anything.

That finally made the Punk look up at the group, now seeing that they were all staring at her. "A car crash." She paused, then continued, "They were out buying a gift for me when I was 13, but then some drunk driver crashed into them, they died almost immediately." She looked down at her lap, thoughts and memories coming back, "I was a mess after that, knowing that the two most important people in my life are gone and I'm never going to see them again. Sometimes I even think that it's my fault for their death. Their lives were more important than my happiness." She let the tears that were begging to escape, were finally let free and fell down her face, some of the others getting teary-eyed as well.

Since Swift was sitting right next to her, he hugged her. Trying to comfort his teammate. "It's not your fault Eli. None of it was. Of course your happiness is important. It is to us and your parents. They want you to be happy. I bet they're so proud of the person you've become. I know we are." He holds her hand and moves her head so it's resting on his shoulder.

"Thanks. Heh, you know, people would say that I look like my mom, but I'm a lot like my dad." She smiled at her statement. "Thank you guys, for doing this."

"No prob, oh hey, we should do this next year." Mikey said and giggled.

They all smiled at Mikey's cheerfulness.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Elijah replied.

"Happy birthday Elijah." Swift said and she sighed.

"Happy birthday to me."

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