Just Breathe

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Authors P.O.V.

The Punks were all at their lockers with Swag, including Slash, Anthony, and Caesar. It was the end of the day and they were all getting packed up for the weekend. But only, Elijah was quiet. Caesar was the one to notice first.

"Hey Elijah, you alright?" He asked in concern and placed his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

The others heard and faced the Punk, who was only looking at the floor. Then, in the smallest and quietest voice they have ever heard, she said, "I'm fine." She said in the most smallest whisper you will ever hear. Now the mutants were even more concerned because she has never acted like this or spoke in a voice like that before. Something was up.

"Eli, what's going on?" Swift asked and came to her side.

"Swift, I said I'm fine, now can you please just drop it." Elijah said a little louder now and glared a warning glare his way, silently saying, "back the fuck off." He then raised his hands up in the air in surrender and took a step back. Elijah looked back at the floor in silence while the others just got their stuff out of their lockers. Suddenly, a group of popular kids were walking down the hall, laughing and chatting away until the leader of the group, Chelsea, also the head cheerleader, saw the Punk and decided to give Elijah a hard time.

She walked up to her and wrapped her arms around the Punks' shoulders. "Hey there emo, I missed you so very much, how are you doing?" Her annoying banshee voice screeched in Elijah's multi-pierced ears, making her flinch. Chelsea is the school's slut and also loves to make people's lives a living hell. She was basically an angel with a demon on the inside. And Elijah hated her.

(Multi-pierced: It means she has a lot of piercings.)

"What do you want?" Elijah asked in a growl, shrugging off Chelsea's arms from around her shoulders.

"Hey now, is that anyway to talk to me, emo freak?" She hissed out the last part with an ugly smirk.

"You think I care?" The Punk fought back with a glare.

Chelsea frowned and walked towards Elijah. She then slapped her in the face.

"Learn some respect, Punk." Her expression turned into a hard, stone cold glare.

Everyone in the hallway froze, Elijah's friends all shocked from what just happened.

Elijah turned her head slowly to look at the bitch, murder now in her eyes. Elijah had finally snapped and socked the girl in the face, making her fall backwards. Chelsea was holding her now bloody nose and looked up at the Punk, who was glaring down at her. Then Elijah kicked Chelsea in the face.

Elijah was already having a bad day and this slut was the icing on the cake. But whenever Elijah did get like this, she would always show some mercy and go easy on whoever wanted to pick a fight with her because she knows of how to control her anger. Elijah was raised to know, whenever she gets into a fight with someone and is in a bad mood, only give that person the amount of anger they caused you, but never pull all of your anger out on that person and practically use them as a stress punching bag. But right now, I don't even think Elijah even notices it.

Elijah was punching, kicking, pulling, and scratching the poor girl to death, and that's when the guys knew that she wasn't going to stop anytime soon. They swooped in and pulled Elijah off of the girl who was passed out from the exhaustion and pain, but the injuries were minor and could be patched up at the nurse.

Rebel was holding Elijah by the waist, while Ghost was to her right side and held onto her arms. The others were surrounding the three while Donnie and Swift were checking on the cheerleader on the floor. They then said something to the other teens to help her and rushed back to the group. Elijah was shouting and kicking, trying to get back to the unconscious girl being carried away by her friends. The group was alone in the now empty halls.

"Elijah, calm down!" M.C said and then groaned when she kicked him in the stomach.

"No! She started it, so let me finish it! I'll kill her! I'll fucking beat her to a pulp and send her to hell! Let me go!" The guys were shocked at her words and sudden behavior. They have never seen their friend like this before, so it was new for them; they don't know of how to get her to calm down. What they were seeing right now, was scary.

Leo then stepped up and hugged her, bringing her close and hanging onto her tightly, telling her it's okay. Elijah slowed down her movements and Rebel and Ghost let go of their restraints on the girl.

"It's alright Elijah, you're fine, just calm down. No one's gonna hurt you, okay? Shhh..." He said in a quiet and soothing voice, rubbing her back. Leo was always good at comforting others, he was wise too. He's used to this kinda thing and doesn't really mind it at all, he likes to help others, especially when it comes to his friends.

Pretty soon, Elijah was passed out in his arms and he grabbed her legs and hoisted her up, now carrying her bridle style and walking out of the school with the others at his sides in silence back to their cars.

They don't know of why, how, or who sent Elijah in this state, but whatever it is, they are not gonna be leaving Elijah's side until they know and satisfied that she is back to normal and know of what's wrong with her.

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