The New Guy Has His Eyes On Little Eli (Part 3)

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Authors P.O.V.

It has been a week now and Elijah looks like she's about to loose it. Non-stop has Azazel left her alone; he tends to just walk up to her like everything's normal and talk to her, but Elijah would just plain on insult him and call him names. Him not caring is what makes people a little shocked and confused, it's like he doesn't even see nor hear it and just stands there, staring and looking at Elijah like she was some sort of masterpiece. And to him, she was.

Azazel already knows that he has a crush on Elijah when he first saw her, the same goes for Elijah even though she tries to deny it. But she can never stop the racing of her heart whenever he gets close to her, or when she blushes when she hears his name, sees him physically, and/or hears the voice of Azazel. She gets all flustered and nervous around him, and that was rare for her, even when only he can only do that to her.

They both love each other, but won't admit it.

Right now Elijah, the punks, and Karai are all at their lockers together and chatting away when someone walks up behind Elijah. "Hey there Elijah." Speak of the devil, Azazel's here.

Elijah groaned and turned to look at him with an irritated expression on her face, along with a glare towards him, but he only smiles as always. "The fuck do you want?" She asked in a bored tone.

"You of course, but you're making it hard for me because you're so stubborn." He pouted and Elijah growled.

"Good, I don't want you near me nor talking to me, so beat it." She then turned back around, but he grabbed her wrist.

Elijah turned back around to face him with slightly widened eyes.

Azazel looked back at the other human and mutants, "Could you guys give us a minute please?" He asked politely and smiled, they all nodded and headed off to class, along with everyone else. Pretty soon, the two were alone in the school hallways.

"What do you want? You're really starting to get on my nerves, you know." Elijah groaned and glared harder, but with Azazel backing her up against the lockers and moving closer to her, she was trying her hardest not to blush.

"It's just... I think I might be falling in love with you." That made her freeze and stare at him like he grew two heads. 'He doesn't only say things on his mind out loud and not have a problem with it, but he's fucking insane!' Elijah thought, her eyes going wide when she realized of how close Azazel's face was to her, staring right into her eyes.

"Y-You don't know of what you're fucking talking about." Crap, she stuttered. What is this guy doing to her? 'Why do I have to have feelings for this cocky bastard?' Elijah thought, she doesn't know the answer, but the only answer she could think of was, 'you can't help of who you fall in love with.' That's what she thought for a good explanation for this. But still confused as of why he chose a punk like her. Was he even into punks?

"Yes I do, because I know this feeling, I've experienced it before, but that person ended up hurting me and now, I don't want that to happen again, so I'll make it my mission to make you mine permanently. I can promise you that." He confirmed with a serious look on his face and determination in his eyes.

Play the song here 0:48 now!

The punk only looked at him like he was crazy, and then, he started to lean in closer. "W-What are you-" She was cut off by a pair of lips against hers. Her eyes went wide and to gasp out of surprise, but that gave Azazel an advantage to slip his tongue into her mouth and roam around and slide his tongue against hers, loving the taste.

Warning! A bit of lemon!

Elijah tried to move back, but when she tried to press her body into the cold metal lockers more, he only followed. She even tried to push him away by putting her hands on his chest, but he was stronger than her and grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, biting her lip. The kiss then got more heated when he used one hand to pin her wrists and used the other to grab her thigh and wrap it around his waist. Azazel then switched hands and did the same to her other thigh. He pressed his hips into hers and made the kiss more heated, that made her moan quietly into the kiss. If Elijah's face wasn't red from before, then it certainly was now. Elijah didn't want to admit it, but this felt so good to be dominated by him, even though they don't know each other all that well, this felt right to them.

He then let go of her lips and went down to her neck and bit the pale flesh, letting go and licking the now forming bruise. Elijah moaned at this, she loved pain, it was her kink to be honest. Yeah, that's how tough she is, she liked things rough, she wanted it rough. "Ah! Fuck." The punk moaned, making Azazel smirk against her neck.

"You like that, baby?" He whispered in her ear and licked her earring, making her groan and close her eyes.

She leaned her head against the lockers, "Fuck yes." She then stared straight into his eyes.

"I guess it's too late to say that I love you?" He made it sound more like a question. He had a sheepish smile on his face, but Elijah only glared.

"No shit, you idiot." She paused for a moment and rolled her eyes, "I love you, too." She muttered and turned her head to the side, but Azazel heard her clearly.

His smile went bigger, "I love you more." And kissed her again, only gently and placed his hands on her waist. Elijah then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"You're an idiot." She muttered in between their lips.

"I know."

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat