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Authors P.O.V.

"Hey Eli, you don't show affection to Azazel much." Swift stated the obvious. She turned around to face him and the other punks at the kitchen table. It came out of nowhere and why is he bringing this up now all of a sudden?

The female punk looked at him in confusion, "What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I do." She defended.

"Really? So beating his ass instead of kissing him, or glaring at him instead of holding his hand is your type of affection?" He said a-matter-of-factly.

"Hey, our relationship is way more different from yours, and if he had a problem with it then he'd tell me and I'll back off, but he seems fine, in fact, I think he doesn't even care. He actually told me once that he finds my angry side cute." She said and turned back around to clean the dishes.

"Well Azazel's mental." M.C said.

"No, he's not, it's just how he is, plus he's the one that wanted to date me in the first place, and it's also his fault for falling for a punk. A violent punk at that." She said.

"True, the guy has weird types, sometimes I think he's crazy." M.C responded.

"You're telling me, I didn't even know that I was attracted to Swag people like Azazel until I met him." Elijah laughed.

"But you're not attracted to people like him." Swift said this time.

"I know, but with him it's different..." She trailed off for a moment, then shook her head violently. "Uh- could we please not talk about this, it isn't even you guys' business anyways. Focus on your own relationships." The girl said and dried off her hands from washing the dishes all the while she was talking.

"Hey Eli, I just thought of something." Swift said with a devious smirk.

"And what's that Swift." She growled out through her teeth, already pissed for her brothers making her all flustered by bringing Azazel to her head.

"Lets do a bet. If you could show one move of affection to Azazel and not back out, then we'll believe that you're not all that mean to him, but if you do back out, then you'll have to let us tease you whenever we want and you can't complain, okay?" He explained. The four turtles knew full well that Elijah was one to not back out of a deal, dare, or bet; so they obviously knew her answer.

Elijah turned her attention to him, "Besides, what's the prize if I do win?" She asked.

"Then we'll do your chores for a whole month." He declared.

She thought for a moment, then smirked, "Alright, that sounds fair enough. You got yourself a deal." She said and walked over to his side, sticking her hand out.

"Okay, let the games begin." And with that, he shook her hand.

*Time Skip*

Azazel was coming over today and Elijah already knew of what to do, but the thing is, she doesn't show much affection because it's embarrassing for her, I mean yeah, her friends do that for their boyfriends and girlfriends, but she's a punk. It just doesn't fit her image and it also ruins her reputation. And she hates it. But the deal they made earlier was already set and there's no backing out now, and she really didn't want the others to tease and not beat them up for it. So she had to do it. Also, it doesn't really hurt to show some sort of fluffy moment to her boyfriend in public or at least in front of her friends. So she knew of what she had to do, just suck it up and go for it.

At the moment, Azazel and Elijah's brothers were all watching TV while she was getting herself and her boyfriend sodas. She was debating whether to do it now or later, but Swift said that she had to do it only while he was here, and if she doesn't do anything before he leaves, then she loses. So when she grabbed the two cans and walked over behind her boyfriend who was sitting on the couch, she took her chance. "Hey babe, here." She said and handed over his can.

"Oh, thanks Eli." He said and grabbed it, but when he did, she grabbed his chin and titled his head back and bent down a little. She kissed him. He gasped in surprise, giving her the chance to shove her tongue inside of his mouth. She knew that the boys were watching because she could feel eyes on her, but she didn't care, they wanted her to do something, so she did something.

Elijah pulled back a moment later and looked Azazel in the eyes with a hard glare. "Fuck you." She growled and let go of him, walking out of the living room and up to her room.

Azazel tilted his head back upwards and touched his lips. Then shot up from the couch. "Wait Elijah! Come back!" He shouted and went up to her room. The boys only sat there quietly and stared into space.

"Well, that was... interesting." Rebel said, breaking the silence.

"Guess we're doing extra chores for awhile now, huh boys?" Swift said with a defeated sigh.

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