Swag and Punks Just Don't Match (Part 1)

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Description: Azazel has a crush on Elijah and he and the others are trying to convince her to go out with him, but Elijah has her reasons for not dating him.

Warning! Sad and rejection!

Authors P.O.V.

"Dude, just tell her!" Caesar said to Azazel. Okay, let me rewind some things here, Azazel has had a crush on Elijah for quite some time now, but he won't tell her because of how she'll react. Right now, Elijah's brothers (Street Punks), Swag, Slash, Caesar, Anthony, and Con were all on one side of the hallway of their school, while Elijah was on the other side at her locker. Ever since he found out he liked her, he immediately told the guys and they supported him %100, now they're trying to help him by telling him to just go for it and confess, but with Azazel being a pussy at the moment, they are not getting anywhere.

Like I said, he's not scared of her, (maybe a little bit), he's just afraid of what she might say or do. This is the fourth time he tried to tell her and the guys are starting to get a little impatient with him chickening out the last three times before. Raph then put a hand on Azazel's shoulder, making the Swag boy look at his friend. "Look dude, if you want Elijah, then just suck it up, be a man and go tell her and if she doesn't approve, well then that's her loss." He encouraged. And with that, he pushed Azazel forward. Azazel caught himself before falling and looked back at his friends with a glare, but they all smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He then turned back around and started walking towards the Punk.

Once he was in reach of her, he cleared his throat to get her attention, making her turn around. "Hey Elijah." He greeted with a smile.

She only frowned, "I already know." She said blankly and he just looked at her with disbelief, even the guys heard since they were listening to their conversation. She then sighed, "You guys are idiots, the halls are empty and the walls echo, so of course I can hear you, even when you whisper. Trust me, I'm not deaf."

Azazel's eyes widened, "Oh uh, s-sorry, so... what do you think?" He asked nervously.

She looked at him for a moment, then said, "Look Azazel, I never really saw you like that before and also, Punks and Swag just don't go together. I'm sorry." She smiled sadly at him and walked away, Azazel staring after her. It was quiet when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry dude, we thought that she would think differently." Rebel comforted him.

Azazel looked down at the floor and shoved his hands in his pockets, turning around and walking down the hall.

The others then looked at each other once Azazel was no where in sight, all of them with only one thought.

'It's not over yet.'

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