Caring For Each Other (Part 1)

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Description: Elijah and the punks being a family.

Authors P.O.V.

Elijah was watching non-interesting things on the TV in the living room, completely bored out of her mind with nothing to do, well since it was nighttime at the moment. She then decided to get some sleep and switched off the TV, got up and headed towards the stairs. When she was passing by her brother's rooms she knew that her brothers were sleeping, but secretly, she would sneak into their rooms and tuck them in when she has the chance. She does this to make sure that they are okay and comfortable. She just wants to be a good sister is all. She was already at Rebels door, which was open. She couldn't blame him for being lazy and tired, after all, they did get home pretty late tonight from patrol and dealing with the Foot, so her brothers immediately crashed once they got home.

Elijah walked into his room and grabbed his blanket, that was slipping off to the side of the bed and pulled it over him. She then kissed him on the forehead gently. "Goodnight Reby." She whispered and shut his door quietly after exiting his room. Next up was Ghost. Now he was pretty much all set, but Elijah still wanted to make sure. She opened his door and walked in. Standing by his side, she looked him over for anything that was slipping off of his bed and to also make sure that he was comfortable. She smiled and took off his beanie, kissing him on the forehead. "Night Ghost." She whispered once again with a smile and walked out of his room and shutting his door.

The same thing happened with the other two and went to bed after that, seeing of how nothing seemed wrong with them. A few minutes later had passed and the punk was trying to get some sleep, but then she heard some whimpering from the room next to hers. Swift's room. And with that thought, she immediately got up from her bed and rushed out of her room. When she got to his room, she opened his door to hear him sniffle a little, but still asleep. She walked over to his side of the bed and climbed in. They were both facing each other but only Elijah was awake and looking at him, concerned about her eldest brother.

She then wrapped her arms around him and brought his face into the crook of her neck and stroked his head with one hand and his shell with the other, trying to calm him down by whispering to him, "It's okay Swift. You're okay. Everything's fine. You're okay. I'm here." She kissed his tears away and then his head. Swift doesn't usually get nightmares, but when he does, Elijah's always the one to be there for him when it does happen. She doesn't know of what he dreams about, but whatever it is, it makes him look like a defenseless, injured puppy that was kicked and left behind in the rain. It made Elijah sad a little bit and made her feel sorry and take pity on him, but she doesn't mind this. It's actually kinda nice to have this moment with her brother. Swift knows this as well, he doesn't mind it either, in fact, it helps him sleep better. He says just feeling her touch and being in her presence calms him down immediately.

And it does.

She held him a little tighter and pulled the covers over them, closing her eyes. Just then, Swift wrapped his arms around Elijah's waist and snuggled into her neck more, purring a little bit in comfort. She smiled and rested her cheek on his head, thinking of how cute Swift can be when he's asleep.

She then kissed his forehead once again and whispered, "I love you Swift." And with that, she passed out.

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora