I'm Gay (Part 4)

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Author's P.O.V.

Since last night, Elijah has been stressed. She's also been mad at her brothers for the things that they would do if Splinter didn't accept her. Splinter was their father, well, not really blood-related, but still. He raised them as his own, and when Elijah came along, Splinter did the same thing to her. Even if Splinter didn't like the fact that his daughter was interested in girls, and is dating one, the guys shouldn't just pack up and leave him behind for her. Elijah can always stay with the girls or her girlfriend.

It was all so confusing and stressful, and Elijah didn't know of what to do anymore. She was concerned about her relationship with her father, but also the boys, too. They were raised here in this lair of the underground sewers with Splinter since they were bought from the pet store, mutated, and then taken in by their rat father. Elijah was adopted by the five when she was only seven years old, so the guys have been with him for longer. They've had the closer and stronger bond and they can't just give up and move out because Splinter didn't agree to Elijah's interests.

Anyways, right now Elijah was standing in front of the dojo where Splinter usually hangs out in for meditation. Raising five teens, who are four mutants and one girl, obviously he needed it daily. But Elijah had finally gathered up the courage to confess to him about her sexuality, she was nervous, but ready.

"Enter." Elijah heard Splinter say before she could even knock. What a smart and wise rat.

Elijah took a breath and slid the door open to reveal her father in a cris-cross position, back towards the tree that was kept in the middle of the dojo. Splinter had his eyes closed but he knew of who it was who had entered the room.

"Splinter, can I talk to you?" Elijah asked, moving to stand in front of him and then hesitating to sit on her knees.

The rat then opened his eyes, "I do not see why. What is wrong, my child?"

Elijah took another deep breath, "W-Well, I've been meaning to tell lately, and I told the boys, too, but I don't want you to look at me any differently than before because I'm still the same Elijah you've always known, and-" Elijah was then cut off by her father.

"Elijah, you don't have to hesitate. Just tell me. I'll love you even if you are different." Splinter said, smiling fondly at her.

Elijah smiled back at him and then sighed, "Splinter, I'm gay." Elijah looked away when she said it, but then looked up hesitantly to see his shocked expression. "I'm sorry. I should just go." Elijah said, moving to stand, but Splinter stopped her.

"Elijah wait." The rat said, causing the girl to turn around to face him, shame and sadness taking over her features. But then it quickly turned into fear when when Splinter stood up and started walking towards her.

Elijah expected a hit, but instead, Splinter hugged her. "I am not ashamed of you, my child. You are one of us, Elijah, and nothing will change that and nothing will make you any different from us because you simply have a different interest than others. You are apart of this family, and you will stay in this family. Understood?" Splinter told her seriously, moving back to look at her with slight tears in her eyes.

Elijah really couldn't speak, she was too shocked and happy to say anything. But then she completely covered her face with her hands, trying to quiet down her sobbing of happiness, but it was no use, and Splinter then hugged her in comfort once again.

"T-Thank y-you, Splinter. Thank you for not abandoning me! Thank you!" Elijah cried, so happy that Splinter wasn't going to be like her biological shit father who hurt her for being different. She was thankful to have him in her life. Very thankful.

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