Fool me Twice

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"What do you think of Prince Taehyung?"

Your mind goes completely blank for a moment, and you can't seem to process the question.

What do I think of Taehyung? What an odd question. He's very attractive but very unlikable at the same time? Womanizer? Pervert?

"From the little time I've spent with His Highness so far, I can tell that he's a very capable and strong Prince. He's very kind and endearing as a person, and I'm very grateful that I've been able to stay this long in the Harvest when there are so many other, well-fitted girls. I'm sure I, along with many others, look forward to his rule with eagerness."

You swallow and bite your lip, hoping that you gave a convincing answer to both the people and the interviewer.

She smiles. "Yes, we've all been wondering how the 19 years of training on His Highness has shaped him out to be," she continues before giving me another question. "Right now, you're talking right to the citizens of 한국 (Hangug); the people want to know more about your personal life. How about you share some of your childhood with us?"

Again, your mind goes blank for a second before you're spewing out a random, poorly articulated speech of your childhood. "Um. Well, I was born here, in Seoul, and I've lived a fairly easy life compared to some others I've heard about. I was educated completely until entering the Harvest, and now I've rekindled my liking of books since living here in the palace. I've always been very studious and interested in books, especially history, so when Taeㅡ" you pause and panic, gone too far off and having embarrassed yourself in front of thousands. "When Prince Taehyung told me there was a library here in the palace with every book I could imagine, I've naturally been spending all my time there."

With a few more minutes of short, easy questions, the interviewer tilts her head inquisitively and speaks. "Since we're running out of time here, we have one final question: If you were to be crowned Queen, what would you do for the citizens?"

"Iㅡ" you look around nervously. You couldn't do it. You didn't know what to say, and you couldn't make anything up because it might offend more than gain praise. "Honestly, I'm not quite sure of that. I never truly expected to go this far, and I haven't thought of any policies or changes I would implement." You gulp. "But if I could take suggestions straight from the populace, I would do so. To make their lives easier and more convenient than now."

"Are you saying that the peoples' lives aren't good now?"

Your eyes widen, and you shake your head. "No, I think it varies from class to class, but I'd like to make everyone's life better."

"But you have no ideas on how to accomplish this?" she asks with narrowed eyes.

"No," you say truthfully. "Not yet."


"Oh, miss Sooyun, that was the most amazing interview a lady has ever given!" Hani praises while escorting you back to your room. "Respects to them, but most would never honestly answer all the questions like that. You did an amazing job."

"Really?" you ask in awe of the maids' admiration, thinking that you didn't do too well in that last question. "I was stumbling around so much..."

"Really!" the now-friend of yoursㅡYerim, beams.

From the inside of your room, still several feet away, Hani shouts excitedly, "Maybe I'm biased toward you, my lady, but you truly seem so genuine with every word you speak." She laughs and shakes her head. "Forgive me for being so blunt, but did you ever take etiquette classes or speech training?"

You choke on air as Ijoo undoes a braid in your hair.

So that's what they mean by 'genuine.'

"Hani!" you whine. "I did! I really did! Just because I flunked so many times that I was kicked out of classes doesn't mean I didn't learn anything..."

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