Indecisive Victory

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When began the war of the Kim family?

Maybe it was during the last Royal Harvest of our era, where Queen and son fought against their King.

Perhaps it started during King Hyeon's era, when his older brothers mysteriously died of illness one after the next, until only he was left to find his Queen.

Or could it have been during the founding of our nation and the pact of brotherhood that was broken in more ways than one, and in the separation of land which was all swallowed into one big, black hole? One united land over four broken ones...

Then when did our little feud start?

The battle for your heart had begun.

First to present his case was Taehyung. He spoke highly of you, admiring your qualities, admitting to your silly shortcomings for you, and linking them to his own for added effect.

Saying "Sooyun and I are almost like twins with how stubborn we both are," gave what he intended.

However, Taehyung only spent a minute in comparison to Yoongi's elaborate speech, complete with thesis and evidence.

The sheer grandeur of his words outdid Taehyung in every way.

Then came his rebuttal. "You and Lady Sooyun may be related in your stubbornness, but that is the extent of your similarities. Would you compare a royal raised and full blooded Prince to a Princess who was subjected to living as a commoner her whole life? Is it better to compare her with a King or with another living as a commoner?"

"As many times as I have to repeat it, I will say that her origin doesn't matter," Taehyung says. "As it doesn't with the other ladies, whether they be royalty or common people. The sole purpose of the Royal Harvest is to find someone equal to me in character, not in status, Prince Yoongi."

"But it matters. It matters to everyone," he counters. "Even if she's the most fitting, loyal, kind woman out there, will there not be second glances at her becoming Queen?"

"If she were not to become Queen of my country, then she'd become Queen of yours. What's the difference?"

"The difference is that she belongs in mine, Your Highness," Yoongi says with grit. "You want to take someone away from their home because of your own selfishness."

Taehyung can't help but smile. So far, this is looking good for him, and the chances of breaking Yoongi down seem to be in sight. "Is that not what you wish to do? Take her from the home she lived in her whole life, for your own sake?"

"I-" he stutters. "It matters not because it is where she belongs. Regardless, your whole system of Harvest is weak, and it's watering down the royal blood line," he switches topics poorly. "Surely there is bound to be opposition when a few generations down, the King only has 1/8 of true royal blood in him?"

"So now you wish for me to change the whole system?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't wish for you to do anything, Prince Taehyung," he seethes. "It was just speculation."

He raises a brow.

"Everyone is aware that the North is minuscule compared to your country, and it was founded by a dozen rebellions less than a hundred years ago. I just—I fail to see the logic in this."

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