LGBTQ+ Thingy mobaby, idk what to call it😅😂

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"Let's get one thing straight," Winn says, coming up to the roundtable where everyone was.

"I'm not," Lena said with a smirk.

"Let me run this bi you," Kara said to Alex.

"We need to see how it pans out," Sam said before Alex could respond.

"I need time to ace-ess the situation first," Alex said, director mode on.

"Lez be honest," Maggie said, turning to Alex. "What does LGBT stand for?"

"Lesbain, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender?"

"Let's Get Back Together."

"Dear God, I need a drink," J'onn mutters.

A/N: Sorry, not sorry, I had to😂

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