Define Pride

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"Happy Pride Month, bitches!" Dreamer screams, hopping on Supergirl's back for a tackle, making her and everyone in the Tower laugh, Brainy rolling his eyes with a smile as he waves a little trans flag around. The tower was decorated with rainbows galore, streamers up on the banisters, and an inclusive pride and trans flag hanging from the balcony. 

Not only CatCo, but L-Corp was inclusive on Pride, and at midnight on the first day, they both turned the lights of their logos rainbow, gaining the attention of National City's LGBTQ+ community, and the news as well. 

"I don't know about you guys, but I love pride," Alex gushes as her suit turns from black and blue to black and rainbow as her eyeshadow turns into the lesbian flag colors. "The support, the people, the energy, everything."

"Alex, you're literally turning into the definition of gay," Nia points out, now on top of Kara's shoulders, Lena giggling at her.

"It's cute," Kelly approves. "Nia, weren't you doing an article on pride this week?"

"Oh yeah. There was this thing all over on TikTok about some Pridefall, where basically every homo and transphobe on earth was going to threaten everyone with death threats and videos and texts, the whole nine."

"I haven't heard anything of the sort," Lena says with a shrug. "I may be the least one tied to social media here but I still figured I would've heard something."

"It has circulated mainly through Instagram and TikTok," Brainy accentuates. "Though, now it is actually pride month, the sixth day to be precise, I have not seen anything thanks to my scanners."

"Well, National City is having its Pride Parade this weekend," Alex brings up. "Why don't we go? Not only to have fun but y'know, keep an eye out for everything."

"Sounds like an excellent idea," Brainy agrees with enthusiasm. "Also it has come to my attention that you have been silent for a while during this conversation," he says, pointing at Lena, who raises an eyebrow as a challenge while she leans back against a table with her arms crossed. "Which is very unlike you, considering that you are part of the community, yes?"

"Well, duh, I'm dating Kara," the brunette says with an eye roll before shrinking back a bit. "Though... I've never celebrated Pride. Or been to a parade."

"I'm guessing Lillian isn't as supportive as us, huh?" Kelly asks, which she nods at small. "Well, hey, screw her and what she approves of. You're successful, you've got your company, you're helping the world all while being yourself."

Lena smiles at the compliments with a small blush. "I'm.. not out publicly, though."

"And you can do that with time." The Irishwoman lays a thankful hand on her shoulder, in which the therapist squeezes back.

Kara heaves Nia off her shoulders and places her gently on the ground, tugging her to the side. "I've got an idea for CatCo. And I need your help to carry it out tonight."

"Ready to help, boss."

Later at 5:55 pm precisely, the Superfriends and co all receive a group text from Kara.

Turn on the news at 6

Of course, this could be anywhere between good and bad, who knew honestly with their lives. So it left everyone kind of in a questioning mood.

Kelly and Alex turned the channel from the kitchen as they cooked together, listening to the last piece of news before whatever it is that was about to happen. Lena, having her girlfriend's texts be able to pass through her Do Not Disturb mode, turned on the tv as she continued to work for the next five minutes.

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