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Ten Years Later


"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" The little voice squeaked just as Jimin felt the weight of a bony little body that launched itself onto his stomach.

"Oof, baby, daddy told you not to do that," he groaned, wrapping his arms around the little dog hybrid girl and tugging her against his chest, smothering her little face in kisses. She giggled loudly, squirming in his grip.

"What is it sweetie, why did mommy and daddy need to wake up?" Y/n asked, yawning and leaning in to peck the little girl's nose, giving her soft little floppy red ears a quick pat.

"Oh! Bubby had a bad dream!" The girl said, suddenly remembering why she had come.

"Alright, I'll get her back to bed, you take care of him," y/n said to Jimin, scooping the little puppy up and tickling her as she carried her out of their bedroom and down the hall to her own.

Jimin sat up slowly, sighing as he glanced at the clock. He shuffled down the hall toward the bedroom of their youngest, finding the little hybrid boy curled up in his toddler bed, his soft tabby tail curled around him, a night light casting a dim illumination through the room. They had only had the three year old kitten hybrid for a year, his yellow and orange striped ears poked out of his white blonde hair as he lay serenely in his little bed. Jimin leaned over the side of the short rail and gently touched the little boy's shoulder.

"Hey bubby - did you have a bad dream?" The kitten slowly blinked his eyes open, his sleepy face scrunched in confusion.

"Daddy? N-no, I sweepin..." he whispered, unable to keep his eyes open long enough to finish his thought.

"I-it wasn't him dad...it was me," came a soft, lower voice from the doorway. Jimin turned in surprise.

"Oh, hey bud," he whispered, standing and crossing the room to meet their oldest who was hesitating in the entrance to his little brother's room. He wrapped his arm around the nine year old and drew him down the hall to his own room, sitting next to him on the bed. "You had a bad dream?" He asked. The boy nodded, looking slightly embarrassed. "Hey, that's alright! We all have them buddy, it's totally normal."

"I-it is?" The boy asked, glancing at Jimin uncertainly. Jimin smiled fondly at his son. They had adopted him six years ago when he was just a little human boy, alone in the world with no one to look after him. They had intended to adopt a hybrid first, but the agency they went through worked with both hybrid and human children and y/n had seen the little boy's picture and known they needed him. Jimin had originally had trouble coming to terms with the idea of being the parent to a human - he felt as though he wasn't qualified. After weeks of persuasion from y/n he had agreed and they had finalized the adoption not long after. Jimin had been learning how to be a good father for years and as he sat next to the human boy now he was realizing it was something he would probably never perfect.

"Of course. Your mom used to have nightmares all the time. What did you dream about?"

The boy looked into his lap, blushing. "It-it was just...me and mom were on one side of the street a-and you and the babies were on the other side and...the light was always red, it didn't turn green so we couldn't get to each other," he said, his voice quaking a little. Jimin's heart tore as he listened to the boy and he hugged him to his chest.

"Buddy, you don't have to be scared of stuff like that! The laws are changing you know, that's why mommy and daddy are getting married this weekend - we're finally allowed to do it! Nobody will ever be able to separate our family. The light will turn green, I promise," Jimin said, kissing the boy on the top of his head and patting his back. "Are you okay? Do you want to come sleep in our bed?" Jimin asked. The boy was far too old to sleep with them normally, but after a bad dream like tonight it was fine. He nodded shyly, not looking at Jimin and the man smiled and took the boy's hand, leading him to the room. She was just crawling back into bed when they arrived and she gasped and opened her arms and he ran and clambered over the bed to crawl into them.

Kitties and Cupcakes : pjm ✔️Where stories live. Discover now