Chapter 1

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"Welcome to Capstone!" Professor Lindon called out to the class.

He seemed a bit young to be teaching college seniors. Some of the students were older than he was. He was about Louis' age. Louis thought he was quite fit actually. Good style. Nice eyes. But so peppy. Too peppy.

Harry liked this teacher. He's so peppy. Seems nice. And unlike all the old farts that teach here he's only a little older than Harry. Harry had worked hard and taken more credits than was safe at a time and now he's getting his degree in two years! Which made him probably the youngest in the whole class.

"Settle down. Let's just go ahead and get started. As the final class of your education at this school be prepared for a lot of hard work and late nights," he eyed his students, "Luckily you won't have to do it alone. For this entire year you'll be spilt up into groups. You'll work on your senior thesis and all class work as a group. So choose wisely because once you choose you'll be stuck with them for the entire year."

Louis scanned the classroom for the most attractive person to work with. There was a cute blond boy with blue eyes. He kept scanning and landed on unruly curls and wide innocent green eyes that were nervously searching for someone he knew.

Louis kept eye contact with he kid until he could feel it and looked back at him. He tilted his head at the kid asking him to come over. Harry pointed a finger at himself unsure that this guy meant him. When Louis nodded his head Harry got up and went over to Louis' table. Louis stood up hoping to be face to face with the kid but was surprised that he still towered over Louis.

Louis rose up on his tiptoes a little and smirked, "Wanna be with me?"

The way he phrased the question made Harry pause but then said, "Sure I'd love to be in your group!"


Louis spun around. "Payno!" The two hugged and laughed. "I didn't know you were in here."

"I wasn't but I hated the prof in the other Capstone."


"Of course."

"We'll maybe you shouldn't have taken his daughter home for a night and never called."

"Eh, whatever. This class is way better obviously," he said motioning to Louis.

"You're in my group," Louis stated.


Louis remembered the kid. "Oh shit, sorry. Payno this is...," Louis turned, "What's your name?"


"Payno this is Harry. Harry this is Liam, or Payno when he's not being an ass."

Liam stuck his hand out, "Nice to meet you."

Harry took it, "Likewise."

Liam and Harry took to polite conversation and Louis shimmied through a couple tables to where the cute blond was still sitting alone.

"Still looking for a group?"

The blond boy looked up and smiled, "Actually I turned down a few hoping you would ask me."

Louis smirked at him, "Well I'm asking. You're in my group."

"That didn't sound like a question, but alright. Niall," he put his hand out.

"Louis," but instead of shaking it he grabbed it and pulled Niall back over to his table. "Alright lads, this is Niall. He's in our group."

Niall gave a small wave to the other three people now standing there.

"Oh Louis you remember my boyfriend Zayn?" Liam had his hand around the waist of a dark haired boy with high cheek bones and just the right amount of scruff.

"Yeah man I didn't know you would be in here," Louis turned to Niall, "And I already told Niall he could be with us."

"Well sorry Niall I think you were the last one added," Liam pressed.

Louis gave Liam a pointed look then relaxed and said, "Don't worry I'll take care of it." With that he took off down the isle towards the professor.

The others watched as Louis launched into an animated conversation.

"Come on, Lindon, what's the big deal?"

"Sorry Louis. It's unfair if one group is stuck with three while another has five."

"What if I got permission from the group of three."

"I don't play favorites."

Louis bit his lip, "But aren't I your favorite?"

Lindon put on a stern face, "My wife is my favorite Mr. Tomlinson."

"That's not what you said-"

"I'm so sorry Mr. Lindon!" A short-haired brunette came bounding down the isle towards them. When she finally reached the professor she was out of breath. "My counselor is an idiot."

"That's alright Ms. Burns. We're choosing groups for the year so please pick one."

"There's one with three. You could join that one right, Mr. Lindon?"

"Yes you can. They're right over there," he gestured towards the three.

"Okay thanks!"

"Well I guess the groups are going to be uneven no matter what?" Louis beamed.

"Yes Louis, now go." Louis started to walk away but Lindon grabbed his elbow gently, "And if you ever speak to me like that again I won't hesitate to get you suspended. What happened will never happen again."

Louis just winked over his shoulder and walked away.

He had his arms out wide as he approached his group. "Looks like it's the five of us for the whole year!"

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