Chapter 43

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"Oh my God! Louis, what happened?!" Harry rushed forward and grabbed Louis' face, making him wince in pain.

"Babe, I'm fine," Louis lied.

"Bullshit," Harry called him out.

Louis looked to Liam with begging eyes.

"Zayn, can you and Harry go grab some towels and band aids and things," Liam asked his boyfriend and gave him a pointed look.

Zayn nodded, understanding, and led Harry to the bathroom.

"The fuck, Tommo?" Liam whisper-yelled.

"It's Matt. The guys know about Harry. He fucking," Louis growled and his hands balled into fists.

"He's an asshole. Always has been. Whatever he did, forget it," Liam sympathized.

"They know, Payno!" Louis freaked.

"We couldn't find any rubbing alcohol, Liam!" Harry called out as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Zayn knows where it's at."

"He said he couldn't find it."

Liam sighed and left Harry to go to the bathroom.

Harry stood a few feet from Louis with his arms dead at his sides and his eyes on the floor.

"Babe," Louis begged. Harry just shook his head. "Baby, please." Harry shook his head harder and stuttered out a breath.

"Now, I," Harry's face scrunched up but he quickly calmed himself, "Now I can imagine how you felt that day."

Louis immediately understood what Harry meant and reached forward and pulled him into a hug.

He ignored the pain and held him tight. "I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to feel like that."

Harry was almost dead in Louis' arms. Louis didn't know what to do. He knew that when he felt like this that the only thing he could focus on was Harry.

"Sweetheart?" Harry didn't respond. "Will you help me?" Harry finally looked Louis in the eye. "I need you to patch me up."

Harry traced the tips of his fingers down to Louis' hand and interlocked them. He gently tugged Louis with him to the bathroom. Louis could see Harry was still upset but at least he was touching him.

They found Zayn leaning back against the counter with Liam leaning on him heavily. Liam had his forehead on Zayn's chest and Zayn had his hands in Liam's short hair.

Liam looked up with he heard them come in and Louis saw he had tears in his eyes. Zayn pulled Liam back to him and said, "We're going to bed, guys. You're welcome to stay as long as you want." Zayn held Liam close as they went to Liam's room and shut the door.

Harry knew Louis was probably blaming himself. "He just loves you, you know?"

It was Louis' turn not to respond. Harry guided him to the counter and patted the surface. Louis slowly climbed up to sit on the counter. He winced when his bloodied hand gripped the edge.

Harry set to work grabbing things. Gauze. The rubbing alcohol that Zayn "couldn't find". Band aids. Neosporin. A few wash clothes.

Louis sat and watched him scour the cabinets for everything he thought he'd need. He smiled even though his cheeks fought back in pain.

Harry wet a washcloth and started gently wiping the dried blood from Louis' face. Louis kept as still as he could so he didn't worry Harry but the cuts and gashes were sore and aching.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Louis looked down to his lap, "I'd rather not."

"So I'll just clean you up and pretend this never happened?"

"That'd be great," Louis chuckled but Harry wasn't in the mood for jokes. Louis kept his hard gaze for as long as he could before he felt like his heart might break. "Someone I used to hang out with had a problem with me."

"And you fought him?" Louis nodded slowly. "Over what?"

"He's a jerk, and he was just looking for a fight." It probably wasn't a lie. Matt always did love the attention but Louis ignore the other part of the story.

"And he just hit you?" Harry sounded genuinely confused.

"Pretty much," Louis lied.

Harry shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry Louis, but your friends seem awful."

"No, just him. The others are good guys," Louis reassured him.

Harry was silent while he wrapped Louis' hand, put IcyHot in his back, bandaged his face. It wasn't until he was finished that he said, "I don't want you to leave."

Louis simply said, "I wouldn't."

"I don't have my car. Liam drove me."

"Good. Then you can hold my hand while I drive."

"Your hurt hand?"

"It could be broken, Harry, and I'd still ask you to hold my hand."

Harry smiled just a little at that. "Can we go to yours? We never go to yours."

"Sure. It's no penthouse. But I like it."

"You'll be there, so I'm sure I'll love it."

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