Chapter 34

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Louis was speechless. Harry was in an induced coma. There's no way- but he did. He heard about the date and he heard Louis say he loved Harry.

"I know you're scared," Harry whispered and brought Louis' hand to his face for a kiss, "but I'm not."

Louis shook his head doubtfully.

"I'm not," Harry reaffirmed. "I was, but now I'm not. I was so scared Louis. I was in pain and bleeding and all I could think about was you."

Louis' face filled with pain and adoration and he swallowed his tears down.

"I still can't, I can't, tell my parents. I need to finish school. But I'm not scared of how I feel. I love you, Lou."

Louis wanted to run back out into the hall and scream his excitement to all the sick people.

Instead he leaned in and kissed Harry's forehead. "I love you too. So much. I was scared to, Harry." Louis pulled back with regret on his face. "I'm still scared. I love you, but I can't have you."

"I know it'll be hard, but I need you Lou. I can't do this, my life, without you."

"What about your family, who are in this hospital somewhere?"

"I don't know." Harry was sweating a little under the pressure.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out," Louis squeezed Harry's hand. "Until then, rest. You need it."

"Don't leave me Lou," Harry worried.

"I have to leave for now but I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I mean during this whole thing. Don't leave me. I need you."

"You underestimate my ability to be without you," Louis smirked.

Harry smiled but it wasn't sincere.

Knock knock.

"Shit, that would be your parents coming back." Louis captured Harry's lips quickly and spoke against them, "I love you. That's all that matters. I love you."

Louis heard the door creak open and he dropped Harry's hand and moved to a respectable distance.

"Oh, you," Anne noticed.

"Mom. This is Louis."

"Yeah, dear. We've met," Anne gave a barely cordial nod. "I think it's time you let Harry rest."

"Of course, ma'am," Louis said overly sweet while he tried not to ring the woman's neck.

Louis took one more look back at Harry and smiled before exiting the room. In the hall was the very helpful doctor and the boys. They all looked at him like they expected a recap of what happened in there.

"It's fine. We're fine," he said plainly.

The doctor seemed happy enough with that. She patted Louis' shoulder and walked off to do real work.

The boys however were less convinced.

"What happened?" Liam asked quietly.

"Nothing happened," Louis retorted.

"So you just went in there and stood looking at each other until I knocked," Niall questioned.

"Maybe?" Louis knew the boys were just trying to help, but we was getting defensive without meaning to.

"If you say so Lou," Zayn accepted. He grabbed Liam's arm and led him to sit down so he could sit in his lap. He gave Niall a pointed look telling him to let it go for now. Niall rolled his eyes and took the other seat.

Louis rubbed his temples. "Can we go? I need to get out of here."

"Yeah, sure," Liam agreed.

The four filed out of the hospital and to the car. Liam took diver's and Louis sat in the passenger's seat, while Zayn and Niall sat in back.

The drive was long, or so it seemed. But maybe that was thanks to all the terrible scenarios running through Louis' head.


Louis went to see Harry one other time during the break because it was the only day his parents decided to go home and clean up and rest.

He got a call from the hospital saying Harry wanted to see him. He was dressed and at the hospital in twenty flat.

He basically threw open the door to Harry's room. "Haz!"

"Shhh," Harry laughed. "Sick people, remember?"

Louis feigned remorse and closed the door. As soon as it was shut Harry was out of bed and attacking Louis' face with kisses.

"I missed you so much," he spoke between kisses.

Louis tried to keep up and finally found Harry's lips with his. He forced Harry to slow down and really kiss him. They moved together sweetly.

Louis breathed in the familiar scent of Harry, only slightly dampened by the smell of the hospital.

"I missed you, too," Louis finally said.

They pulled back enough to see each other but didn't loosen their grip on each other.

"I've only been here a week and I already want to kill myself."

"You wouldn't dare. I'd be so mad."

Harry smiled. "Only a couple more days and I get to go home. I should only miss like a week of school when I get home. You'll have to keep me updated."

"Yeah. I'll just do all the cute things like bring your homework home and take extra notes for you."

Harry put his head on Louis' shoulder. "Like a boyfriend would?" Harry asked shyly.

"I, uh, I guess, yeah," Louis said lamely.

"Would you do other nice things if you were my boyfriend?" Harry didn't take his face out of Louis' shoulder.

Now or never.

"How about you let me be your boyfriend and we'll find out."

Harry's head popped up and his eyes were literally sparkling. "Really?"

"Harry, I would absolutely love to be your boyfriend, if you'll have me."

Harry didn't even say anything he just wrapped his arms tight around Louis' neck and kissed him.

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