Chapter 20

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The road opened to show a clearing surrounded by thick forest. The trees were nearly bare, with it being December. The wind was whipping through the open field but luckily it wasn't snowing. At the back of the field was a decent sized cabin with a covered front porch, complete with rocking chairs and a swing.

All five boys were crammed into Liam's car. They were more concerned with saving gas and whom was going to ride with whom when they left to be concerned about comfort. So they all piled into one car. Now they were regretting it. Zayn had commandeered shotgun for obvious reasons. Which left Niall, Louis, and Harry to squeeze into the back seat.

Louis ended up in the middle, fighting between cuddling with Harry and smacking Niall when he farted, the whole time. He tried to keep his touching Harry to a minimum, but when Harry reached out and intertwined his fingers with Louis' he didn't move for the rest of the trip.

Now here they are in the middle of nowhere about to spend three weeks in Harry's uncle's, admittedly nice, cabin. Harry assured them heat and a stove, but also say something about no cable or internet, and service seemed to be shit.

They unloaded the car and hauled their bags inside.

"It's only got two bedrooms but the couch pulls out to a pretty comfy bed. I've stayed on it a few times and it's good," Harry explained. "One room has a king and the other has two queens. I don't mind the couch."

"What? No Harry this is your place you deserve a bed," Liam protested.

"Yeah, Harry gets a bed," Zayn agreed, "But to be honest Liam and I should probably take the room with the one. Unless someone really wants to share a room with us." Zayn arched a perfect eyebrow.


"I'm good!"

And Harry just blushed.

"So Niall, do you, uh, wanna take the other bed?" Louis questioned awkwardly.

Niall just smiled. "Nah, mate, I think couch is good for me," and then he winked so Harry didn't see.

Louis eyes went wide for just a second but he composed himself and muttered, "Thanks."

"Can we hurry up and unpack so we can eat? Harry, you did say this place had food, right?" Niall inquired.

"Yes, Ni. Uncle Ben sent someone down here to stock the place full of shit we shouldn't eat. And fruit for me."

Louis ignore the blessed news that Harry liked to eat fruit. He could imagine how sweet he tasted. Louis shook he thoughts away. "And turned on the heat," he said instead, "It feels great in here."

"Yeah. He was glad to do it. It's not like he uses this place anymore. His third wife is the one that made him buy it, but wife number four hates this place."

"Better for us!" Niall cheered.

They separated to their rooms and starting unpacking. Louis let Harry have first choice of bed, seeing as it's his place. He chose the one by the closet so Louis took the one closer to the bathroom. Each room had it's own bathroom and then another on the other side of the kitchen.

Harry had just gotten done putting all his jeans into a drawer when they heard a loud bang come from behind the wall to the other bedroom.

Harry looked alarmed until they heard another bang and small moan emanated from the room. Then Harry looked alarmed for an entirely different reason.

"Christening the room already, Jesus," Louis complained playfully.

Harry just nodded.

"Are you okay? You've been sorta quiet."

"I'm, uh, I'm good." Harry assured him.

"Do they make you uncomfortable. Because I'll go over there. Walk right in, I'll have to cover my eyes cause uhhh," Louis shivered, "but I'll go tell them to shut the fuck up." Louis was rambling now but he just wanted Harry to be comfortable here.

"Uh, no it's not uncomfortable. I just, um," Harry pushed his heel down on his now noticeable bulge.


"Sorry. I'll be fine in a sec I just," Harry turned around, "Since we, uh, it's been tense for me."

Louis came up behind Harry and gently removed his hand from his crotch and replace it with his own. Harry shuddered and leaned back into Louis' body. Louis ran his hand smoothly from the waistband of Harry's ever tightening jeans to the tip of his hard on.

"Lou," Harry breathed.


"I'm scared."

Louis hand paused, but Harry pushed into his palm so Louis started to move again. "Scared of what, love?"

Harry let his head fall back onto Louis' shoulders and ran his tongue over his pink lips slowly before answering. "Scared of what three weeks here is going to do to me."

Louis tried to concentrate of the words coming out of Harry's mouth and not the mouth itself. "What do you think is going to happen to you?"

Harry scrunched his eyes tight like he didn't want to answer but did anyway, "I'm afraid I'll be gay by the time I leave here."

Louis groaned and pushed his now tented pants into Harry's back.

Harry broke away from Louis and looked away sheepishly. "I'm gonna go take a shower," he ducked away with a towel. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be so-" but Harry was already on the other side of the door. Louis pressed down on himself and willed his erection to dissipate. He was sure he was gonna suffer from permanent blue balls this entire break. Problem is, he wasn't sure he cared.

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