Chapter 56

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The school was fairly busy, the last afternoon classes just got out. But they bypassed the classroom buildings and drove to the formal hall. Harry's car was one of only a couple still in the lot. Louis pulled up next to it and Harry got out and grabbed his bag from the backseat. He got back in Louis' car and started taking out the book he'd rented from the school.

"Let's get this over with," Louis sighed. "Grab mine from the back too."

Harry reached behind him and pulled out Louis' textbooks too. Together they drove over to the library and went to the bookstore. Before they got even ten feet into the building people were whispering and looking at them. Harry's steps were getting slower and more unsure, so Louis leaned up and kissed his cheek. Harry looked at him and Louis settled him with a smile and a nod.

They kept going to the desk with their books. Harry set his down first, making the student worker's head pop up. Her eyes went wide when she saw who it was. But she controlled herself quickly. Louis wrapped a hand around his waist anyway and Harry sank into him.

"I'd like to return these, please." Harry's voice was kind, but Louis could hear the nerves running through it.

"Of course," the girl said awkwardly. She took Harry's books and typed the serial numbers into the computer. She glanced up a couple times to watch them, but Louis ignored her and kept reassuring Harry quietly.

"Okay, you're okay. She can't help but look at you. I mean, look at you," he teased. Harry laughed and the girl's lips curved up for just a moment.

"Yours?" she said and held her hand out for Louis' books. Louis handed them over and continued running his fingers in small circles over Harry's hips. She did the same with Louis' books. During the last one she was getting more and more fidgety. Finally she finished and looked up at them with determined eyes.

She stood up and leaned over the counter so she could say quietly, "I think it's shit that they suspended you."

Suspended? Harry wasn't even sure what happened after they left, but apparently the Dean was quick with the paperwork.

"Thanks," Louis said for them and led Harry back towards the door. Someone got up and stood in front of them.

"Harry and Louis, right?" Harry nodded. "My name's Kat. That's my girlfriend, Lacie," she pointed to the petite blond sitting across from her seat. "We're really proud of you guys."

Harry face broke into a shy smile. "Thank you. You guys make a lovely couple," he said.

Kat nodded with bright eyes. "Thanks. You guys are cute too. The Dean's an ass. It's got to be illegal, right?"

"It is," Louis assured her. "Discrimination."

"That's bullshit," Lacie muttered frustrated.

Kat leaned over and kissed the top of her head before turning back to the boys. "She's right. There's got to be something we can do."

"Look. This is a great school. Despite the person who leads it. The professors and students deserve to go to a school with a proper reputation. Making this into something big will only be bad for everyone."

So Harry's thought about this. Louis didn't agree, but he could see where Harry was coming from.

"Just sucks," Kat relented.

Louis nodded and gave polite goodbyes while he ushered Harry out of the building. People were still staring, still having hushed conversations about them, as they walked back to Louis' car.

Louis' pants buzzed and pulled out his phone. Liam's name lit up the screen. He stopped and answered it, "Hey, Payno."

Are you and Harry at the school?

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