Chapter 26

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"My sister said the same thing once. She loves all that hippie shit," Louis told Harry.

Harry slapped Louis' chest next to where his head was resting. "It's not hippie shit."

"It is. But that's okay. I think it's cute," Louis appeased.

They've been laying in bed for nearly twenty-four hours. After they woke up from their nap Harry was feeling especially chipper and Louis was the happy recipient of a wake up blow job.

They showered and brushed their teeth together. Then Harry went and grabbed some fruit from the kitchen for them both. Since then, they've been cuddled together in bed talking about everything.

Their families. School. Their pasts. Favorite movies. Books. Music. Tons of music. Everything.

"You've been saying that to everything I say. I like floral shirts. Oh that's cute," Harry mocked, "I used to wear my sister's jeans. That's so cute!"

"Well it is," Louis defended.

"I'm not cute! I'm hott. I'm a man." His words were betrayed by the pouting lip Louis could see out of the corner of his eye and the meek sound of his voice.

"Yes, baby. You are in fact male. That's one of my favorite things about you."


Louis kissed the top of Harry's head and sighed. "I know this sounds awful and cheesy, but this has been one of the best days of my life."

Louis couldn't feel Harry smile against his chest. "Yeah?"


"Good. Me too."

"Harry, can I say? I don't know what's going to happen when we get back but whatever you want to do, I'll support you. Even if that means you don't want me anymore."

Harry's grip on Louis' waist got tighter. "Don't say that. Please. You given me something I've never had."

"What's that sweetheart?," Louis asked as he ran a hand through Harry's hair.

"A chance to be myself," Harry hid his face in Louis' chest. "I've never felt so...myself around someone before," he mumbled, "I'm afraid that if you leave I'll never be myself again."

Louis kept petting Harry's head and said, "You can always be yourself around me. No matter what. But I want you to be able to be true to yourself without me too."

Harry shifted back so they could look at each other. "Is that like a backwards way of saying you don't think we'll be together very long?"

"No, Harry," Louis smiled. "But, wait are we even, um, together?"

Harry shrugged easily. "I don't know. You know I've done this before. I was hoping you'd lead the way here."

"I've never done this before either! I'm sort of just going with my gut here."

Harry leaned in so their lips were inches apart. "And what does your gut tell you?"

Louis stopped breathing and looked into Harry's eyes, hoping the right answer would appear.

It didn't. So instead he just said what he was really thinking. "That I'll never be able to let you go." Harry smiled wide at his answer and that made Louis smile.

Harry pulled Louis in by the waist and kissed him. Louis could practically taste Harry's desperation for him. Harry's was kissing and biting and licking and Louis was going to lose his fucking mind.

Louis made a small noise of protest and pushed Harry back just far enough to talk. "I'm gonna lose it if you're not careful, Harry."

"So?" Harry reached and kissed him again. "Lose it."

Louis pulled back again. "I don't think you understand." Louis out a finger to his temple, trying to calm himself. "You're not ready and I'm having a hard time remembering that."

Harry's voice dropped another octave if that was even possible. "Not ready for what? for my first time? for your fingers? Your cock?" Louis trembled. "Who says I'm not?"

Louis gripped Harry's biceps. "Me. I say." Louis tried to pull away from his lips but Harry just kissed down his neck, biting on the junction where his neck met his shoulder. "Shit, Harry, please."

"Yes, Lou, please." Harry's hand slipped under the band of Louis' boxers and messaged his hip. "If you want it, and I want it, then why not?" He bit another mark into Louis' shoulder. "You want to don't you?"

"Fuck, of course I do, Harry."

"Then show me." Harry's hand moved to the front of Louis and pushed gently where Louis was half hard.

Louis groaned and flipped them over so Harry's was resting between his arms and their legs were intertwined. Louis ducked down and kissed Harry hard. Their lips pressed against each other until Louis felt them tingle with the pressure.

As soon as he felt Harry swipe his tongue across his lip Louis opened his mouth and allowed Harry entrance. Louis could feel every movement of Harry's tongue in his mouth. He licked back across Harry's tongue.

When Louis couldn't breath he moved on to Harry's neck, leaving hot kisses all the way down to his bare chest. He kissed right down the middle in line, stopping every couple of kissed to bite softly and then lick the tender spot.

Louis kept crawling backwards, down Harry's body, and then off the bed.


"You're not ready Harry," Louis pulled on some shorts. "I'm gonna go join the boys in the living room. Come cuddle with me whenever you want."

Harry's head fell back against the bed and he crossed his arms across his chest in defiance. "You suck."

"I know," Louis quipped and walked out.

Let Me Teach You Something (Larry Stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz