Chapter 9

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"Harry you have to tell me where you live so I can take you home," Louis said for the fourth time.

But like each time before Harry just made a whiny noise in the back of his throat.

Louis wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know where to take Harry. He didn't know anyone that knew where he lived. Finally, he just sighed and resigned to take him back to his place. One night on the couch wouldn't hurt him.


Louis looked over quickly and saw that Harry's eyes were barely open. "Harry, thank God. I thought you might be brain dead."


That all he's said since he got in the car. Just Louis' name. Not even his name. A nickname. Just the nickname Harry graced him with.

"What's your address, honey?" Louis tried again.

"Lou," this time it was sweeter than the other pitiful times Harry had said it.

Louis looked over again and Harry had a watery smile on his face. His eyes were still drooping but his dimples were prominent. Louis sorta wanted to kiss them.

"Yes, Hazza?" Harry let out a quiet chuckle at that but said nothing more. "Well, I'm going to have to take you back to my place tonight. Is that okay?"

Harry just made another, slightly less whiny, noise. Louis took that as a yes and headed back home.

Getting Harry out of the car and into the house was less hard than pulling teeth but harder than his nice, soft bed. Which he wished he was laying on now. But instead, right now he had one of Harry's arms over his shoulders again and was lifting him up the couple of steps to Louis' front door.

He tried to put the key in the lock and keep Harry steady but Harry was leaning on Louis so heavily that Louis had to lean Harry against the door to use his key. When he did get it open Harry stumbled backwards into the house.

Harry caught himself before he fell and looked back to Louis. Louis followed him inside and pointed to the couch. "I'll get some blankets and stuff."

Harry went and sat on the couch while Louis went to the hallway closet to grab linens. When he came back Harry had kicked off his shoes and laid down, curled up. Harry curls were splayed out all over his face and he was worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.

Louis couldn't help but smile as he covered Harry up with the blankets and slipped a pillow under Harry's head. Harry snuggled in on himself and dug his face into the pillow. Louis reached out to push the curls out of his face but suddenly remember what he was doing and backed up.

He left Harry on the couch and headed for his room. Once he had the soft comforter in sight he flopped down onto it and let out a heavy sigh.

I could be having mind-blowing sex with hot as coals Cameron but instead I'm laying alone in my own bed with a straight man on my couch. What is my life?

Louis kicked off his own shoes and shrugged out of his jeans and shirt. As soon as he was under the covers he felt tired. As soon as his head hit the pillow his eyes started to droop.

Just as he was about to slip into sleep he felt the bed dip. Before he could turn over an arm wrapped around his waist.

"I don't want to be alone," Harry slurred. Louis could smell the alcohol on his breath. He must still be drunk.

Louis thought about throwing Harry out of his bed and out of his house, but then he heard a quiet sniffle from behind him. So instead he pulled Harry's arm closer and snuggled back into him.

"Goodnight, Hazza."


Louis woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. That was something he didn't get to enjoy, well, ever. He never cooked. Ever.

"Harry?" Louis called out.

A few seconds later Louis heard a patter of feet on wood and then Harry stuck his head in the door of Louis' bedroom.

"Oh, finally. You're awake."

"Finally? What time-," Louis cut off when he saw the clock on his nightstand, "Four o'clock!"

"Yeah tell me about it. You sure can sleep. I've only been up since noon but I didn't want to wake you," Harry looked shy, "but I got hungry."

Louis couldn't help the fond smile that spread across his face. "That's okay," Louis pulled back the covers and stood up. He craned his neck left and right trying to stretch out his muscles.

He reached up above his head until felt his shoulders pop. He bent over and felt his lover back stretch. When he looked back up he found Harry had taken a step further into the room. His eyes were wide and he had his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Harry?" Harry snapped out of his daze and ran out of the room. Louis ignored the weirdness that was Harry Styles and went to his dresser and found a pair of sweats and a jumper to lounge in while he ate.

When he got out the kitchen Harry was working over the stove murmuring to himself. Louis only caught pieces of it. 'Not right.' 'Stop it.'

Louis coughed and Harry jumped. "Shit, Lou-ee," he finished awkwardly.

"You can call me Lou, Harry. It's not illegal." Harry just nodded at that and turned back to the stove. "What are we havin'?" Louis came up behind Harry to peak over his shoulder.

When Harry felt Louis touch his shoulder he flinch away. "Umm, breakfast. For lunch. I couldn't find much."

Louis eased back a little and laughed. "Yeah sorry, I don't cook. So I don't buy food."

"That's okay. I love breakfast. Any time of day."

Louis just smiled and laughed again. He went to sit at the table and let Harry finish up the cooking. After a few minutes Harry was pulling plates and silverware and setting the table. Louis just sat and watched politely.

Harry filled Louis' plate with food and then his own before setting the skillet back down on the stove. He came and sat across from Louis.

They ate in silence for a while, glancing up at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

The other was always looking.

"Harry?" Louis finally said.


"Are we gonna talk about last night?"

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