Chapter 58

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"I've told them, multiple times, you can't allow a proposition like this to pass us by," Anne went on even though no one was listening. Well maybe Robin was, he always seemed to be raptured by Anne when she talked. Weird.

"You're right," he said. "They should vote it through."

"Thank you, dear," Anne was pleased he had one more vote on her side. She turned to Harry, who had been to distracted by Louis' nervous finger fiddling and leg bouncing to pay attention. "What do you think, Harry?"

Harry's head snapped back across the large table to his mom's wondering gaze. "That's great, Mom."

Anne sighed and said, "Ive taught you better manners than that, Harry. Listen when someone is speaking."

I listen when Louis is speaking... "Sorry, Mom."

They stared at each other for a long awkward minute before Robin coughed and said, "Well, I'm sure you've guessed, Harry and Louis, that we invited you to dinner for a reason."

They both looked to Robin. Louis reached for Harry's hand in his lap and Harry granted it without looking.

"We have a deal for you. We know that Dean Winslow suspended you both until after graduation. But we convinced him to wait on expulsion because your mother and I," Robin glanced to Anne, "think we can make some sense of what happened."

"You mean you think you can split us up," Harry countered.

Robin shook his head. "No Harry, I think we all know that ship has sailed. What you're mother and I are asking for is discretion."

"Discretion?" Louis repeated.

"Yes, Louis. Discretion is important in our lives. I assume you have no need for it," Anne spat with a sugar sweet tone.

Harry squeezed Louis' hand and glared at his mom while Robin put a hand on Anne's shoulder. Harry had never seen his mom so unhinged. She was still and polite, but Harry could tell she was vibrating with anger and nerves.

"What do you mean by discretion?" Harry continued.

Robin rubbed his palms together and tried to explain it gently. "We would like for you to take an extended holiday. For a little while."

"What?" Harry's voice shot up.

"Somewhere far. Still in the United States of course, but far enough away that we can separate from any issues," Robin tiptoed gently over his words.

"You want to ship is off so, what, our gayness doesn't effect you?"

"Your mother is up for another term next year and I'm in the biggest business deal of my life, Harry. We can't afford a scandal right now. You pick the place. Anywhere that's at least ten hours away. We'll provide the housing, cars, whatever you need."

"I can't believe you!"

"And you'll be able to graduate and I won't make you work for me Harry. I'll use my connections to get you any job you like," Robin added quickly.

Harry's next argument died in his throat.

"Harry," Louis mumbled.

Harry looked next to his where Louis was wide-eyed and squeezing his hand tight.

"We'll need a minute," Harry informed them.

"Of course," Robin agreed and led Anne out of the dining room.

It's like a dam broke inside Louis and he just started talking a million miles a minute. "This is it, Harry. Everything you've wanted. We can stay together. We can graduate. And you don't have to follow in your Dad's footsteps. He's letting you choose anything you want! This is what you want!"

Harry was shaking his head already, "I don't want to hide."

"But it's only for a little while. Plus I hate this fucking city anyway." Harry tried for a laugh but it came out as a weak grimace. "I don't get it, Harry. I thought this is what you wanted."

"I've been hiding my whole life. My parents have always kept me a secret. The real me. I hated myself because of them. Then I met you and I found a reason not to hide anymore. And I just came out two days ago," tears fell silently from Harry's tired eyes, "I finally did it. I don't want to hide again."

Louis let out a heavy breath and brought Harry to him. He wrapped small fingers in his hair and soothed him with whispers of "I get it, baby." "No more." "I love you. We won't hide."

Louis held him until his tears soaked his shoulder and his face was red. Harry pulled back with embarrassment. "Sorry."

"No," Louis said firmly and held Harry's face between his hands. "I'm sorry. I'll never ask you to hide again."

Harry nodded weakly in Louis' hands. "I love you," he croaked and pursed his lips for a kiss. Louis chuckled and met Harry's request.

No deal. No more hiding.

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