Chapter 11

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Thoughts were flying around in Louis' mind. He didn't know what to think.

Forget? Forget what? What he thinks about me? Does he hate me so much that he wants to completely erase me from his mind?

"What do you think about me?" Louis choked out.

Harry sighed like he knew the question was coming. "Bad things."

God, I knew it! He fucking hates me. He's disgusted by me. He called me a fag. He probably hates gays and he hates me.

"I hate the things I think about you," Harry said with a pitiful look on his face.

"You hate me?" Louis questioned.

Harry looked taken aback. "What? No. I don't hate you. I wish I could hate you."

"What did I do to you?"

Harry pushed his hands to his eyes. "Everything. You've done everything to me."

Louis was about to called Harry out on his bullshit answers when his phone rang. Louis pulled it out and saw Liam's name. "Shit. We were supposed to study at Liam's tonight." Louis answered it. "Hey. I know I'm late. I'll be there soon."

Ok Tommo. Late as always. Hey, have you heard from Harry. I tried calling him but he's not answering and he's not normally late.

"Uh, no. I haven't seen him," Louis gave Harry a pointed look, "I'll give him a call, though. And I'll be there soon. Go ahead and start without us-me, without me." Louis hung up and stood up.

"We have to go," Louis proposed.

"Well, I uh, I smell like alcohol and sleep. And I don't have any clothes," Harry reminded Louis.

"Right. Well if you can shower in like two minutes you can just, uh, crap, you can borrow something from me," Louis offered.

Harry nodded and quickly went to the bathroom to clean up.

"There's extra toothbrushes in the cabinet!"


Louis went to his dresser and pulled some sweats that were too long that he always rolled up, some boxer briefs, and a t-shirt. He set them on his bed and went to find clothes for himself.

Louis stripped off his jumper and sweats and opted for a pair of black jeans. He opened his closet to look for a shirt when Harry walked into the bedroom, a towel around his waist and hair dripping.

Louis gave a slow look from wet curls to dripping shins and back up. Good boy or not, Harry's body was sin. Strong shoulders and thick pecs that led to a smooth ripple of abs down his torso. V cuts that guided Louis' eyes right to his towel. The towel that hid Louis' sure-to-be favorite part of Harry.

And he had way more tattoos than Louis originally thought. He'd never seen past the ones on his forearms, but now he saw the two birds that sat on his collarbones. The butterfly on his abdomen. When he reached Harry's eyes again he was met with green-rimmed black staring at him.

Harry gulped down the lump in his throat and walked towards the clothes on the bed. "Mine?" he said hoarsely and held up the sweats and tee.

"Yeah, uh, yeah. Lemme know if they don't fit." Louis gestured to the bathroom, "I'm going to go wash up and such." He started to walk away. "I'll knock when I come back," he said quickly and walked out of the room.

Harry took a second glance at the door before dropping his towel on the floor. He looked down and saw he was half hard from the encounter and pressed his palm down on his cock.

The fuck is wrong with you?

He thought about sad puppies and his grandma until he could slip on the underwear Louis picked out and then the sweats and top. He sat on the bed and ran the towel through his hair.

Knock, knock.

"Come in."

Louis opened the door and looked relieved that Harry was fully clothed.

He went back to his closet and grabbed the first shirt he touched, a white tee with black script that read Queen's Surf. He rolled his eyes at the irony, threw the shirt onto his bed, and grabbed another one, a blue v-neck.

Harry picked up the shirt. "Why not this one? I like it."

Louis' cheeks flushed red at that and he grabbed it back. "You don't like this one."

"I do, I swear. What's wrong with it?"

With a huff Louis hung the shirt back up and explained, "It's my favorite beach. An ex took me there on holiday once."

"So? You're going to let an ex ruin your favorite beach? I'll wear the shirt then cause I like it."

"It's a gay beach Harry!" Louis rubbed fingers over his temples and took a slow breath. "You don't like my shirt, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Harry mumbled.

"We need to go," Louis gestured towards the door.

Harry obediently rose and shuffled out to the living room. Louis followed behind and slipped on the Vans that were sitting by the door. Harry pulled on his boots and jacket from the night before.

Once his headscarf was in place he held his arms out, "How do I look?"

Louis shook his head, "Like you didn't go home last night."

Harry's eyes widen and he blushed furiously. "Really? Is it bad?"

"Don't worry," Louis reassured him, "No one will notice."


"Louis, why is Harry wearing your pants?" Liam said by way of greeting.

Harry face palmed and turned to hide. "Shut up Liam," Louis simply said.

Louis pulled Harry to the table and they sat down across from each other. Louis got out his laptop and gave it to Harry and then retrieved his tablet for himself.

When the two settled in and looked up the other three were looking back. With looks. Looks that said 'You two totally fucked'.

"Nothing happened," Louis spouted, "I swear."

"I'm straight," Harry spoke up.

Louis gave him a sidelong glance and rolled his eyes. "We know Harry."

"Ok, then," Zayn blurted out, "I have this idea about collaborating Louis' research on hypnosis and Niall's on atmospheric music in everyday settings."

Everyone focused back on the task at hand again and Louis checked on Harry. He had a fist on the table and his eyes trained on the screen in front of him.

Louis kicked out gently and hit Harry's shin. Harry's head popped up. You okay? Louis mouthed.

Harry nodded minutely and went back to the screen.

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