Chapter 47

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"Tell me what happened," Liam begged.

Harry should've called Niall. Of course Zayn was over at Liam's. So now Harry was curled up under a blanket on the couch with Zayn holding him tight. Liam was sitting in the chair next to the couch.

Harry's face was red but his tears have long since dried. He was taking in shaky breaths and hiding under the blanket.

"Harry. I need to know. Did Louis hurt you?" Zayn asked wearily.

"Nononono," Harry babbled.

Zayn nodded his head in relief. Liam gave Zayn a look. They were both lost as to what to do.

"I need to go see him," Liam told Zayn.

Zayn nodded and Liam grabbed his jacket and keys. He came back and kissed the top of Harry's head and then Zayn's cheek. Liam left Zayn to deal with a silent and broken Harry.

But Liam had no idea he was leaving a bad situation for a worse one.


"Louis?" Liam knocked on Louis' front door. "Tommo, it's Liam. Can I come in?" Liam didn't hear anything so he tried again. "Tommo? I won't leave until you answer!"

A minute later the locked turned and Louis opened the door. Liam felt pain for the boy as soon as he saw him. His hair was pushed in different directions like he'd been thrashing in his sleep.

All he was wearing were briefs and one of Harry's favorite shirts. He eyes were bright red and he could barely keep them open.

"Oh, Lou."

Liam came in and shut the door. Louis seemed shaky and was taking unsteady steps back to his room.

"Louis, wait." Louis ignored him and kept walking. He got to his bed and slid into the blankets and laid down. Liam stood at his bedroom doorway with no clue what to do. He went to the other side of the bed and slid off his shoes and jacket.

He laid down on top of the covers and waited. Soon he heard the almost silent sound of Louis crying.

"Did he tell you why?" Louis asked quietly.

"He didn't tell me anything. I don't even know what happened."

Louis started crying harder so Liam put an arm around him and curled up to him.

"I'm so sorry, Lou."

"He didn't even tell me what I did," he sobbed.

"He broke up with you?"

Louis inhaled shakily and nodded into his pillow. Liam still had no idea what to do. So he just laid there and held his broken best friend.


Harry showed up back at class on Monday. His hair was pushed back, his jeans were tight, and his smile was bright (and fake as fuck). He was convincing everyone around him that he was fine.

He almost had himself convinced. But then he would see Louis' face in his head. He'd remember what he sounded like on the floor, sobbing. And he would have to close his eyes and remember what the Dean said and remind himself why he was doing this.

Harry got the their table and Niall and Zayn were already there. He sat down and greeted the boys like any other day.

"Harry?" Zayn asked hesitantly.


"Are you okay?"

Harry held his head up and said, "Of course."

Liam came in carrying two loads of books and supplies while Louis lagged behind. His feet dragged on the floor and he kept his eyes down.

Harry watched him with a pained expression but Louis never looked up. He expected Louis to come sit at their table but he kept walking solemnly to Lindon's desk.

"What can I do for you..Mr. Tomlinson," he trailed off when he saw Louis' stated.

"I, uh, need to talk to you about switching classes," Louis voice was hoarse from the crying.

"Louis, switching now would be impossible. We're two thirds into the year."

Louis' face broke and he thought he was going to cry, but he swallowed it down and said, "I know. I'll talk to whoever I need to talk to."

"Usually senior matters like this get sent to the Dean."

Louis stiffened at the mention of his title but he nodded quickly. "I'll talk to him, then."

"After class, Louis. For now you're in my class and I won't let you miss."

Louis nodded, his head dead on his shoulders. He went back to the boys table and took the only empty seat as usual next to Harry. Sitting there felt like setting himself on fire.

Harry wanted to reached over and take Louis' hand. He wanted to bring Louis' head to rest on his chest. He wanted to hug him and tell him he still loved him so much. Instead he sat stoically and glared holes in the whiteboard.

Liam and Zayn were glancing nervously between the two. Niall looked confusedly around the whole table.

Finally Niall leaned across Harry to Louis and said, "Louis? Are you okay?"

Louis made a weak sound and kept his eyes glued to his lap. Harry swallowed his self hate and took even breaths. Liam pushed Niall back to his seat and gave his a warning look. Niall shrugged innocently and sat back.

The next hour was one the hardest of Louis and Harry's life.

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