Chapter 22

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The first dinner was boxed macaroni and cheese and polish sausage. Harry cooked and the boys had thirds. It was crap food but so good. After dinner they gathered around the fireplace and tried to make plans for the three weeks here. Everyone was getting settled and cozy here.

"I'd love to go hiking. There's a trail about three miles long that leads to an amazing view of a waterfall," Harry recommended.

"Yeah that sounds cool, actually," Zayn agreed.

"Hiking? I don't know. We better bring, like, tons of snacks," Niall said and rolled his eyes.

"I'd love to see the waterfall, Harry," Louis encouraged. The two of them were currently sitting next to each other, but the longer they sat the more contact Harry was making.

They've been discussing activities for a half hour now and over that time Harry's toes found their way under Louis thigh, he had his legs bent to his chest, and his head rested on Louis' shoulder.

Louis reached a hand behind Harry and wrapped it around Harry's thin waist. He thought he was safe with the touch but then Harry reached down and pulled Louis' hand away.

Louis looked up from Harry and saw Zayn watching them. Harry must've noticed too.

Louis nuzzled down next to Harry's ear and whispered so only he could hear, "Am I allowed to touch you in front of the boys?" Harry wiggled in closer but didn't answer. "If your worried about keeping our secret, sorry love, but they already know."

Harry made a noise of protest and looked up at Louis, "They don't know anything," he whispered.

Louis checked to see if they were still being watched, but Niall had launched into a full meal plan for the next few days and Liam and Zayn were trying to appease him.

"Babe, we're not as slick as we think."

Harry smiled at the obviousness of the statement. "No I mean, they don't know," Harry leaned in to whisper low in Louis' ear, "that when you touch me in front of them I have a hard time staying in control."

Louis beat down his urge to touch Harry right then to test that theory. "You can touch me too, ya know, they don't mind. We can hold hands, hug, cuddle. We have to put up with Zayn and Liam all the time, so why not?"

"I'm not sure."

"That's fine. You don't have to. I just wanted you to know you could," Louis checked for reassurance that Harry understood before continuing, "But I would love to be able to touch you around them."

Harry's lips formed a lip line and he seemed to debate a great deal in his head before he reached forward and kissed Louis' cheek. "I'd like that. I hope they don't judge me."

"They wouldn't dare. Plus, I'd beat 'em if they did."

Harry laughed lightly and rested his head back on Louis shoulder.

"Right, Louis?" Liam broke Louis' train of thought.

"Uh, what, yeah sure."

"See! It's perfectly fine to drink and hike," Liam cheered.

"Babe, no. You'll vomit all over and I'm not kissing you after that," Zayn complained.

"How about we take a six pack and drink when we get there?" Louis suggested.

"See, thank you Tommo," Zayn agreed.

"I might kiss Louis right now!" Harry belted out of nowhere.

The other three just looked at Harry with slightly confused, slightly bored faces. Louis however was deciding whether or not to be shocked or ecstatic.

"Ok?" Niall questioned.

"Go for it..." Zayn said slowly.

"Ok, then," Harry relaxed, "Now you can stop looking at me."

They returned to their previous conversation, but Louis put a hand under Harry's chin and tilted it up so Harry would look at him.

"You don't have to," he said, trying to hide his anticipation.

"I know."

Harry reached his head forward and put his lips within kissing distance of Louis. Louis didn't need to be told twice.

He captured Harry's lips against his own in a slow, sweet kiss. It didn't lead anywhere, they just felt each other for a moment, and then melted into it.

Louis slipped a hand into Harry's curls and scratched lightly at his scalp. Harry made a pleasant sound and squeezed his long limbs closer to Louis' body.

He tilted Harry's head back so they could fit better and Harry sighed into Louis' mouth. They just enjoyed this uninterrupted moment of Harry's bravery.

Too soon, Harry pulled back. Louis could've passed out at the way Harry looked. Eyelids hooded, lips swollen. He took it all in for as long as Harry would let him.

"I'm a bit tired. Can we go to bed?" Harry asked quietly.

"Uh, guys were tired. Night!" Louis said too loudly. Louis stood up and helped Harry up too. They walked off towards their room and heard the boys in the background making a bit of fun.

Harry was gently pulling Louis by the hand down the hall to their room. Their room. Woah.

I'm sharing a room with him. Oh god this is...bad? Great? I don't know.

Either way Harry was pretty sure this break was going to be very revealing. Starting with this moment.

They were both standing there, a couple feet apart. Harry was trying to decide if he should change in front of Louis. Normally he slept naked, but there's no way he's doing that now.

Louis' seen Harry in a towel twice now, but it's different when you have to actually take your clothes off with someone else in the room.

Louis could probably sense that Harry was having a huge internal dilemma because he said, "I can," and pointed behind him to the bathroom. Harry looked over his shoulder like the bathroom door would give him the answer. "It's fine, Harry. I'm gonna go take a shower," Louis, thankfully, offered.

Louis reached into his bag and grabbed some shorts, boxers, and towel then went into the bathroom.

Harry watched him go. Wish he could go with him. Louis probably wouldn't mind. He's been very encouraging of Harry's tendency to touch and then withdraw. But Harry was already hating himself a little for taking an extra step towards the bathroom.

Then he banished those negative feelings away. It's fine. There's nothing wrong with you, Harry. You like Louis.

Harry let that sink in while he stripped down to his underwear and got into bed. By the time the bathroom opened and the light peeked into the silent bedroom Harry was nearly asleep.

He heard faint moving and figured Louis was getting into bed, but then he felt someone behind him. Louis leaned down and kissed Harry's hair. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

Harry stayed still until Louis did go get in bed. As soon as he was sure Louis was laying down Harry buried his head in the pillow to hide his smile.

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