Chapter 61

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"I don't know what to do, Payno," Louis whispered into the phone. Louis was sitting on the couch in his living room while Harry slept. It was really late, like three am maybe, Louis didn't know. It was Thursday, two days since Robin came over, and two days until graduation.

What can you do? Besides be there.

"He hasn't eaten. Barely sleeps. I had to knock him out with cold medicine so he'd finally get some real shut eye," Louis whimpered. He felt so useless. Harry swore he was fine. That he would rather have Louis than his family. That Louis was his family. But Louis knows he's dying inside. He just lost any hope of a relationship with his family. And it was Louis' fault.

Trust me, Tommo. It will be worth it. You've got more people on your side than you think.

"Not if anyone knew what I did."

I can't exactly hate you for it. You did what you thought was best. And from what I know, Harry's parents were toxic to him anyway.

"But they're his parents, Li," Louis urged.

And you're the love of his life. Period. Now be that for him. Be his mom, and his dad, and his boyfriend, and his best friend. Be everything he needs.

"I love him so much."

I know. They were quiet for a while. Both of them lost in thought. Then Liam spoke into the receiver Still coming to graduation right?

"I think so. We haven't really talked about it, but I'll be damned if after everything, he doesn't walk that stage."

Good. Make sure he comes. Both of you come.

"Why so invested, Li?"

Your my best mate. And I love Harry. You both deserved this. To finally get what you've worked years for and then move on. Start fresh.

"Fresh. Yeah," Louis sighed and let his head fall to the back of the couch.

Just promise me you'll show up on Saturday.

"You know what I don't get? How Lindon is letting us pass."

Liam coughed and you could just see the smug grin through the phone. Well the boys and I may have pleaded your case. We convinced Lindon that since it was a group project you should get an equal grade. It took some time but he came around.

"You guys are honestly the best."

Aww, I love you too, Lou.

"Shut up," Louis tried not to let the smile show in his voice but Liam laughed and made kissy noises so he clearly failed.

They talked about nothing really until Louis heard Zayn's scruffy voice next to the phone say Mate, come to bed. I need you. Then some shuffling and Liam's small moan told Louis he better get off the phone.

"Gonna go," Louis said awkwardly.

Do that was all Liam's breathy voice got out before the line went dead. Louis looked to his phone screen. It's was 4:30 am for fucks sake. Go to sleep.

He flung the blanket off himself and padded back to where Harry had spread out, one arm and leg covering Louis' half of the bed. Louis half. Because the other half was Harry's. Louis smiled at the sight of Harry's smooth back and long limbs on his bed. His bed. Their bed. He hoped he'd get the see this sight for many nights to come.

Louis pulled the sheets back and slid under Harry's arm. He pulled the sheets up from where Harry had kicked them down and snuggled into his boyfriend. Harry sighed in his sleep and nuzzled his face into Louis' hair.

Lots to do tomorrow. Final gown fitting. Then rehearsal. And then the boys were having dinner together. But for now Harry was in Louis' bed.

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