Chapter 8

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What the hell are you doing, Styles? Why are you even here? Who are you?

Harry was swaying awkwardly to music that was too fast for his long limbs. The pretty red-head from class was moving to a much better rhythm in front of him. Harry had no idea how he got here. He didn't agree to go to clubs with random girls he didn't know.

But Louis had just been standing there. Watching him. He didn't know what came over him. And now here we was. Stiff and uncomfortable as this poor girl tried to dance for the both of them.

The girl, Shelia, turned around to face him. "You need a drink honey."

That was another thing. The only reason Harry got in here was because Shelia was friends with the bouncer and didn't ask to see ID. But Harry rarely drank, and never bought alcohol seeing as he was underage.

"I'm okay."

Shelia leaned in closer to be heard over the music. "I'm getting you a drink." And with that she swayed her hips to the beat as she made her way to the bar, leaving Harry to sway alone on the dance floor.

Everyone was moving in what seemed to be a mass glob of skin. Harry had never been to club before. And now that he had we wasn't sure what all the hype was about.

"Here we go, love!" Shelia was back with two bright blue something's in her hands. She held one out to him.

"Oh no, thankyou," Harry tried to yell over the music, but Shelia just pushed the drink into his hand anyway.

"It's delicious. You barely even taste the alcohol."

Barely any alcohol? Well it can't be all that bad, right?

Harry hesitantly put the drink up to his lips. The liquid was warm and even a little tingly. But as in went down Harry could tell she was right, barely any alcohol taste at all. It's was all a mix of tangy and a little sour.

"Wow that's really good!" Harry shouted.

Shelia just laughed, "I'm glad you like it. Now dance with me!"

She grabbed Harry's hand and put it on her waist while she leaned into him. They rocked against each other for a while before Shelia piped up, "I need to use the restroom. I'll be back."

Harry just nodded politely at her, his head swimming a little from the drink. He figured while he was waiting he might as well get a refill. The bartender mixed another and slid it to Harry. He took a big gulp and leaned against the bar.


Harry looked over and saw a man smiling at him. "Hey," Harry said back cheerfully.

"Good drink?"

"Yeah, really good," Harry giggled out.

"Wanna make it better?"

Harry didn't think he could, but yeah duh he did. "Sure!"

The man chuckled at him and pulled out a little baggie. "The name's Crantz. Tell everyone where you got it," and with that the man poured the powder into Harry's drink. It dissolved almost immediately.

Harry knew somewhere in his mind that he should ask what that was, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He just smiled at the man and walked off towards the dance floor.

He danced alone for a minute before Shelia came and found him. She leaned up into his ear and whispered,"Miss me?"

Harry just realized she was gone but said anyway, "Yep!" He took another gulp of his drink. That guy was right. His drink was way better now. He was way better now!

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