Chapter 37

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Harry was walking on air the next few days. He was feeling better everyday, and the morning wake up calls from Louis helped a lot. He'd finally gotten used to taking his pain meds and antibiotics.

Niall came over last night and talked to his mom in the phone, assuring her Harry was doing to fine and being well taken care of. Harry punched his arm for that.

It was the last day of break and Louis came bounding into the kitchen where Harry was making lunch.

"Sweetheart?" Louis called.

"Yes, Lou?"

Louis hugged him from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder. Harry continued grabbing ingredients and seasonings to mix in to the stir fry for them.

"Wanna go out with me tonight?"

Harry stilled his movements and floundered for something to say.

"You know I want to, but I-"

"I know we can't like do anything in public. But come on, people aren't going to notice two guys just hanging out."

"Louis I don't know."

"Pretend we're just friends. Nothing more. Going to grab a bite and watch a movie."

Harry mulled it over in his head. His parents were far away now. There's no way they'd know if he was with Louis.

"Yeah, okay," Harry nodded without turning around. Louis squeezed him. "But," Harry amended, "we have to go to some macho action film. We can't be two straight guys going to see a romantic comedy."

Louis laughed into Harry's shoulder, "It doesn't really matter what movie we watch because I won't be watching it."

"No, no. Now," Harry turned to face Louis, "you can't do that. No funny stuff when we go out."

Louis tilted his head up and took a kiss. "I will try to contain myself but I'm not promising anything."

Louis left Harry in favor of the football match on TV.


"That was so good. Best chicken in town," Louis gushed.

"Dang good chicken, it's true," Harry added when in reality he still wasn't eating too much so he'd just had a salad.

They were waiting in line for their tickets. Some robot/alien battleship laser gun death movie was starting in ten minutes and Harry wanted candy. Those little sour squishy worms.

They got their tickets and Harry sort of ran to the concessions like a child. Louis couldn't help but smile at his idiot boyfriend.

"Those. No no those. The worms," he heard Harry saying as he walked up.

"And a carton of those chocolate things," Louis added.

The cashier rang it up and Louis payed. Harry offered for dinner and then again for the movie but Louis insisted that he was taking Harry on a date. I may not have a senator and a CEO for parents but I do alright, Haz.

Harry hated the stereotype of having rich parents. But Louis only teased him a little and other than that he never mentioned it.

They found their theatre and walked up the stairs to the back row. Louis wiggled his eyebrows and Harry swatted at him. The smile Louis cracked was just so cute Harry almost kissed him.


"This is the longest movie about nothing I've ever seen," Louis whispered.

"It's pretty shit," Harry agreed and ran his thumb across Louis' hand that he held.

"But you look great tonight," Louis complimented.

Harry blushed, "Thanks, babe. You look really good, too."

"Good enough to eat, actually," Louis said and bit lightly on Harry's shoulder.

Harry kept his eyes on the screen but he smiled a little. "Stop," he protested weakly.

"But you're just so tasty," Louis bit his neck this time.

Harry yelped quietly at the sudden contact. "Louis!" Harry whisper-yelled.

Louis just chuckled and put a hand to the other side of Harry's neck, bringing him closer.

To Harry's credit, he did resist for a whole two seconds before melting into Louis.

Louis sucked on Harry's neck, making sure that he left a light red mark in his wake. Harry groaned when Louis licked over the spot.

Louis moved his hand down from Harry's neck, over his chest, to his pants. He pushed the heel of his hand into Harry.

"Jesus, Lou," Harry said a little too loud.

"Shhh," Louis whispered. "Be quiet."

"Tell that to your hand," Harry quipped.

Louis laughed and pushed his hand down again. Harry's pants were getting uncomfortable now. Louis must've noticed because he unbuttoned the top of them.

"Louis, don't. We're in public," Harry panicked.

"Don't worry. No can see us," Louis soothed while he unzipped Harry's jeans.

He reached under the material and took Harry in his hand. Harry groaned low in his throat.

"Shh, Haz," Louis reminded.

Harry pinched his lips between his teeth and closed his eyes. Quiet, Harry, quiet.

Louis ran his hand smoothly up and down Harry, twisting at the tip. He moved his thumb over and ran it through Harry's slit.

"Shit!" Harry squealed.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Someone called and turned around in their seat. "Harry?"

Louis pulled his hand out and Harry frantically buttoned his pants up.

"Shelia," Harry said with dread in his voice.

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