Chapter 3

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Louis and Niall spent the afternoon in the park near the school. Niall pointed out that it'd be pointless to go all the way home when they both have to come back for pizza in a couple hours. The two were really hitting it off. They both loved superheroes, chicken, and most importantly football. They talked until Niall glanced at his watch and realized they were supposed to be at the pizza place fifteen minutes ago.

"Shit," Louis spouted.

"Oops. Hope they're not waiting on us to order," Niall commented. But when they got there they saw three slightly grumpy guys waiting at a corner booth with no food.

"Sorry. We lost track of time," Niall apologized. Zayn sat on the end with Liam huddled close to him and Harry of the other side of Liam. Louis scooted into the booth next to Harry and Niall sat down last.

When recognition hit the group that Niall and Louis had spent the whole day together Louis couldn't help but notice the crinkle between Harry's eyebrows. The purse of his lips. But it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a warm smile and a, "It's no problem, but I'm starving so let's order."

They order two large pizzas with everything under the sun on it and went at it like they hadn't eaten in weeks.

They lapsed into comfortable silence with mouths full and company good until Harry broke it, "I think we should exchange numbers. Just in case one of us 'loses track of time' again."

He wasn't being unkind but Louis could tell something was bothering Harry.

"Sounds like a good idea," Liam piped up, "I've already got Zayn's and Louis' so I just need you two." Liam passed his phone to Harry while Harry passed his phone to Louis. Louis pulled his phone out to give it to Niall but Harry reached for it first.

Without saying anything he entered his number, saved it, and handed it to Niall. Everyone filled out new contacts and passed around phones until they were all sorted out.

"So Lindon seems like an alright professor," Niall pointed out.

"He's something alright," Louis scowled.

Liam reached across Harry to backhand Louis in the chest. "Watch it, Lou."

"I'm just saying he's a cool teacher but sort of a douchebag guy."

"I feel like I'm missing something here," Zayn said.

"Lou?" Liam prompted.

"I can't Liam. I promised."

"Alright then. Sorry guys no can do."

"Guys, Louis' fucking the teacher," Harry stated plainly. Louis turned, shocked, to a calm Harry. "What? Am I lying?"

"Is he lying Louis?" Niall asked.

Louis looked between the two then to Liam for help, who just shrugged and laid his head on Zayn's shoulder.

"I...was. I'm not anymore."

Niall let a small gasp escape but tried to keep the hurt from his face. "He's straight though. I mean he's married, right?"

"Wouldn't be the first straight guy Louis' turned," Liam supplied.

"That's true," Louis agreed. "But that's why he broke it off. Whatever it was. He didn't want to cheat on his wife anymore."

Everyone, even Zayn, murmured their opinion on the subject over the next few minutes except Harry. Harry sat stoic looking ahead of him at the painting on the wall of an Italian man with a goatee and a tomato in his hand.

Louis leaned in and whispered. "He didn't mean anything."

Harry looked back like he'd just realized where he was and said, "It's none of my business."

"Right. Of course." A little dejected Louis turned back to Niall and threw an arm over the back of the booth.

Niall was looking down at his hands when he said, "You don't really do relationships, do you?"

"No. Not really. Honestly I don't want you to think anything bad about me because I like you. You're cute and sweet and..." Louis looked Niall up and down, "cute."



"Cute enough for you to take me out?"

"Way cuter than that."

"Welp, guys Zayn and I are gonna head out." The pair quickly shuffled out of the booth and headed for the door. And if Liam had a semi he'd never tell.

"I think I'm gonna go too guys," Harry quickly said as he started to scoot out of the booth.

"No. Stay. I already know Liam and Zayn, but I'd like to get to know you guys," Louis suggested.

Harry looked to Niall and must have seen a welcoming face because he sat back down.

"Ok. Get to know me," Harry said flatly.

Louis didn't know what to do. He liked Harry, but Harry showed zero interest in him. "What happened? Why do you hate me all of a sudden? You were happy to join the group this afternoon."

"Louis, I don't hate anyone, especially someone I barely know. I just thought you were different than you are."

"And how am I exactly?"

"I don't know. The kind of guy that flirts with anything that walks by and cheats with married men." By the end of the sentence Harry's voice had raised enough that people were starting to stare.

"Harry please keep your voice down," Louis whispered.

Harry took a deep breath and leaned forward so he could see Niall. "Honestly I think you're better then that." Harry got up from the booth and walked out the door. Louis was red-faced and hot on his tail. Niall shuffled shyly behind the fuming pair.

Once they were outside Louis yelled to Harry a couple steps ahead of him, "You're just fucking perfect then aren't you?"

Harry stopped at that and turned around. "What? No! But at least I don't sleep with my married teacher!"

"You have no right to judge me! You don't know anything about me!"

"You're right! And I don't think I want to!"

"You've got a stick up your ass and your so fucking jealous that I don't want you!"

Harry floundered for a second in shock before shouting, "Are you fucking mental? I'm straight you fag!" Louis' mouth dropped and he lost all of his stream so quickly he almost started crying. Harry covered his mouth immediately and his eyes went wide. "Louis. I didn't mean-"

"Save it!" Louis turned back to Niall with shiny eyes. "Let's, um, let's go get our bags and I'll make sure you get home okay." Niall just nodded silently and followed Louis back into the pizza place.

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