Chapter 2

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"That's going to be all for today guys," Professor Lindon said as a dismissal.

Students started packing up their bags to leave. "Hey so, I think we should do something together. You know get to know each other better," Louis suggested.

"Yeah that sounds great," Niall agreed quickly.

"I would but I've got a community service credit after this," Harry spoke up.

"Community service credit? Who made you take that?" Zayn questioned.

"No one. I wanted to. I love kids. And it's a credit so it's a win win."

"Right. Win win," Zayn scoffed.

Liam elbowed him gently. "I think that sounds really cool Harry."

"Yeah Haz, you're a saint," Louis teased. "Whatever. How about later then. We could meet at the pizza place around the block for dinner?"

"That works," Harry said. The others agreed and they set the meeting for six.

The group disbanded but Niall caught Louis before he left. "Hey Louis?"


"We could do something. If you don't have anything else right now I know this place."

Louis turned it over in his head. Niall was cute. And obviously interested whereas Harry didn't seem to be. "Yeah okay, sure."


Niall and Louis walked down the sidewalk away from the school with bags over their shoulders. "It's not far."

"That's okay. I don't mind."

Niall smiled, "You're gonna like it I think."

"Know me so well do you?"

"No. But I'd like to."

Louis looked right at him then. "I think I'll let you." Louis ignored the small pang of guilt he felt when a flash of curls flew through his mind.

They walked for another minute before Niall said, "Here we go." The awning was dirty and torn and the sidewalk needing a sweeping but Niall was smiling like it was the Taj Mahal.

"What is it?"

"It's my favorite smoothie place. It's great trust me."

"Hopefully looks can be deceiving."

Niall just laughed and opened the front door. "Niall, my friend!"


"How was school?"

"Great. This is my school mate Louis."

Matthew put a hand out, "Good to meet you,"

"You too."

"Usual Niall?"

"'Course. Louis what do you want?"

"Um. I don't know. I don't really drink smoothies. I'm more of a tea guy."

"You want sweet or tart?" Matthew asked.

"Tart I guess."

"I've got something for ya."

The boys found a seat while Matthew went to work. "Thanks for sticking up for me in class today," Niall piped up.

"No problem. It was my fault anyway. I wanted you in the group and didn't even think about asking the others."

"So Liam and Zayn? They're together?"

"Yeah but it's still new. Liam's not normally a relationship kinda guy. He'd rather just, excuse my French, fuck and chuck."

Niall blushed slightly at Louis' choice of words. "Oh. So what's so special about Zayn?"

"Beats me. One day Li just showed up with him he hasn't left." Niall nodded slowly. "I think it's good though. I've never seen Liam so protective over someone before."

"Zayn doesn't seem like he needs protection."

"I know right. But that's Liam for you. Once he chooses you he doesn't let go easily."

"You guys seem close?"

"Yeah we are. He's my best friend at school. Know him since orientation day. He saved my ass from some homophobic pricks."

"Wow I'm sorry."

"Don't be I'm used to it."

Louis wasn't sure but he could've sworn he heard Niall whisper Well I'm not. He'd never know though because Matthew decided to bring over their smoothies right then.

"Alright boys. Here we are. Enjoy!"

"Thanks Matt. Tell Mom I'll won't be home for dinner, okay?"

"Sure thing kid."

After Matt walked away Louis leaned over, "Is that your dad or something?"

"Or something." Louis raised an eyebrow. "He's my Mom's boyfriend. Lives with us."

Louis just nodded and took a big sip of the smoothie. His face immediately scrunched up into a sour face.

"You said tart."

"That I did." It was a good smoothie, but Louis' just more of a tea guy. But the way Niall was smiling at him with his lips around his straw Louis could learn to love smoothies.

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