Chapter 55

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Louis and Harry spent nearly a solid twenty-four hours in bed. It's not like they had school the next day. Or the next. Or ever. Louis was pretty sure that they'd just lost any chance they had at getting a degree, at having a higher education, at a future. No. They had a future. With each other. That's what mattered.

That and Harry, right now, asleep on Louis' chest. Louis kept running the entire night over in his mind. Enjoy his favorite parts, critizing where he think he did wrong. But mostly he was just so surprised at himself. He never bottomed. Ever. But Harry is new, and fresh, and virgin. Louis couldn't rightfully, in the mind set he was in last night, calm himself to make sure he was gentle enough with Harry. And he'd hate himself forever if he hurt his baby.

Baby. Yes, sir. He follows instructions so well.

All of the things that Louis wanted so badly to investigate, but didn't last night. All of the things that Harry doesn't even realize he's doing. Louis couldn't imagine what it would be like once Louis finally got to know what Harry felt like inside. His eyes fluttered shut at the thought.

He must've made a noise because Harry stirred on his chest. His nose twitched and he opened one eye at a time to the late afternoon sun. "Lou?"

"Hazza," Louis sighed and ran his hands over Harry's arm that was laid across his stomach.

Harry propped himself up to look at Louis and smiled so wide Louis thought his dimples might pop. "You're amazing."

Louis laughed. Was this kid for real? Louis' incredible? "You are rediculous. If anyone is amazing, it's you, Harry Styles."

Harry leaned down and kissed Louis quick and sweet. "I'm going to go shower and brush my teeth."

"Your toothbrush is in the cabinet."

Harry's face held a small bit of shock at the news. "You still have it? After I..."

"Yeah," Louis ducked his head down into Harry's neck. "I still have your Stones shirt. And your purple head scarf too. They're in the closet."

"Louis," Harry was dumbfounded. "You're way too good for me."

Louis hit his side gently. "I told you none of that."

Harry laughed. "Okay, okay." He slid out of bed and let the covers fall off him. Louis couldn't help it when his eyes trailed over Harry's smooth body. He must've dug his nails in while he was riding him because he had red cresent moons and tiny scratches that matched the spaces of his outstretched fingers.

Harry was smirking by the time Louis' eyes wandered back up to his face. Louis rolled his eyes. "Shower."

Harry nodded and skipped off to clean up. He left the bedroom and the bathroom door open. "Besides," he called from the other room while he turned on the water. "we have to clean up so we can go get my car from the school." Even before Louis could scoff, Harry interrupted, "I know. But we'll need to return our books and things anyway so we don't have to go back."

Louis couldn't believe Harry was talking about it like it was nothing. He lost his education. But Harry didn't sound remotely upset. "Harry?"

Louis heard light footsteps and then Harry leaned around the doorframe. "Hmm?"

"Are you okay?"

Harry stepped in to stand on the threshold and gave a half smile. "I'm happy with my decision." Louis nodded without looking at Harry. "Shower with me?"

Louis gave a small laugh. "What is with the couple's showers?"

Harry shrugged and turned to walk off. "Saves water," he lilted.

Louis tried to keep his fond smile off his face but just bit his lip and let it happen. He got out of the warm bed and padded off to the bathroom where Harry was already under the spray. The door did little to blur Harry's figure and Louis gave a moment of appriciation before joining him.

Harry squeaked when Louis's cold fingers gripped his waist. He turned and ran his hands over Louis' shoulders to wrap loosely around his neck. He brought his nose to Louis' cheek and let Louis' scent seep into him. Louis whispered small nothings while they let the water wash away the outside world.

"I love you." "Amazing." "My baby." Harry pushed closer at that one and let his head fall on Louis' shoulder. "My baby? You like being my baby so much, don't you?"

Harry nodded against Louis' shoulder and sighed. "Yes, please."

Louis kept his growl from passing his lips and held Harry tighter. "I'll always choose you," he said instead.

"You choose me." It wasn't a question, more like Harry was letting the words sink in.

"I do."

Louis grabbed the shampoo and starting washing Harry's hair clean of sweat and a little cum that somehow made it all the way up there. They washed each other, hands never leaving for more than a second or two. Their shower consisted of more cuddles and kisses than anything, but a half hour later they were clean and giddy.

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