Chapter 19

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Winter break was finally here. Three whole weeks off of school! Midterms had gone well. The boys passed with flying colors. Lindon was so impressed that he passed their project along to the head of the department for use in future classes.

The five of them were sitting in the coffee shop that they'd taken to during long study sessions over this semester. Louis and Harry were sipping tea and making puppy eyes at each other while pretending the others didn't notice.

"I'm so ready for these three weeks. I just need a break," Zayn said.

Liam put an arm around Zayn and agreed, "You're so right," he whispered into Zayn's cheek, "I am going to enjoy every moment of it."

Zayn blushed and tried to hide his face.

"You two are gross," Louis complained without any real force behind it.

Zayn easily forgot his shyness and scoffed, "Are you kidding? I found come on my bathroom counter the day after you guys went at it in there."


"What? It's true!"

Louis and Harry hadn't really talked about what happened two days ago. They talked. Hadn't really stopped talking actually. Texting constantly. But they hadn't really talked. Harry called Louis last night and whispered his fears about the boys knowing until they fell asleep.

Fears Zayn was currently bringing to fruition.

Niall slapped Zayn upside the head, "Shut up dipshit. Can't you see Harry doesn't want to talk about it."

They all looked to where Harry was sitting, red-faced and shiny-eyed. Louis wasn't sure what the protocol was here. Harry had made it very clear not to touch him in an non-platonic way in public. But he just wanted to reach out and run his fingers through Harrys curls.

"You're shit, Zayn."

Zayn looked remorseful immediately. "Hey, Haz, I didn't mean it. I mean I did find-never mind. I won't bring it up again, okay."

Harry nodded weakly.

They got silent for a bit until Niall offered, "Well I'm not actually looking forward to this break."

"Why not," Liam asked.

"Since I told my parents I was bi last summer they haven't let me back in the house. This will be the first break without seeing my parents," Niall explained.

"You and me both, Ni," Harry offered.

"What? You didn't tell me they kicked you out!" Louis freaked.

Harry reached a hand towards Louis, but then withdrew it, thinking better of it. "They didn't really. But I can't go home now that," Harry trailed off, "Its different now, a little."

"Well then! You and I can just muck about for three weeks together!" Niall suggested enthusiastically.

"Wait," Louis whined, "I want to-" He cut off when he saw Zayn's knowing smirk and Liam's fond face. "I mean, I could stay around. If you guys don't mind."

"Yeah. You could stick around. If you want," Harry quickly amended.

"Well hell, now I'm feeling peer pressure," Zayn threw his hands out.

"Zayn? Would you like to join our bromantic three week bonanza?" Niall sassed.

"Aww, babe, we should. Let's like go on holiday for the break. All of us. We could go skiing. Or to the beach. Or camping," Liam made plans excitedly.

So there's that. The five had only met four months ago, but here they were, going on a three week vacation together.

This should be good.

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