Chapter 10

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"Are we gonna talk about last night?" Louis asked hesitantly.

Harry put his head down as if his eggs could hide his embarrassment. "Do we have to?"

"Well I'd like to know why I had you in my bed last night. But more importantly I'd like to know what happened to you," Louis reached across for Harry's hand. "I don't know how much you remember but you were pretty messed up. I didn't even know you partied, especially like that."

Harry pulled his hand back quickly, "I don't!" He covered his face with his hands, "I don't know what happened. I don't even like alcohol. Or clubs. Ugh!"

Louis went around to the other side and sat in the chair next to Harry. "It's okay. You don't have to be angry because you got drunk. I just need to know what caused you to be on the curb outside the club with bloodshot eyes and that lip," Louis said and pointed to the split.

"I do have to be angry!" Harry shot up out of his chair. "You don't know what happened.!"

"Then tell me."

"I choked some poor girl!"

Louis tried to keep his face as neutral as possible knowing Harry would be looking at his reaction. He took a long breath and said, "I'm sure you didn't mean to."

"How do you know? You don't even really know me!" Harry was crying now with his arms wrapped around himself.

"I know you well enough to know you'd never mean to hurt someone," Louis said calmly.

"But I did. God, her face. She was so scared! I don't even remember putting my hands on her, but then she starting pushing me and," Harry crumpled to his knees.

Louis went to him and wrapped his arms around a shaking Harry. "Love, I don't know what really went on, but it doesn't sound like it was intentional."

Harry dug his face into Louis' jumper. "I don't know why I was so...I wasn't even angry...I liked her. Thought I was gonna take her back to mine," Louis flinched, "I don't even do that, but you were," Harry cut off abruptly and buried his head further into Louis' warmth.

"But I what, love?" Louis wondered as he pet Harry's curls. Louis felt Harry shake his head against his chest. "You can tell me," he encouraged.

"Oo may e duh t," Harry mumbled into the material.

"One more time, Harry, so I can understand." Louis leaned back a fraction so Harry's mouth was free to move.

Harry sniffled and breathed out a heavy breath. "You made me do it," he whispered.

Louis scoffed softly, "And how did I do that?"

Harry balled his hands into fists and place them firm on Louis' chest. "You," hit, "were," hit, "confusing," hit, "me," hit. Harry's hits were gentle but frustrated.

"I don't understand, dear. What did I do?" Louis pulled Harry closer and pressed his lips to Harry's hair. "Whatever it is, I'll stop, okay?" he spoke into his curls.

Harry pushed back against him until they were just sitting beside each other. "That! That's what you do!" Harry flailed his hands widely.


"You! You're nice! And soft. And gentle," Harry's voice died out until it was just above a whisper, "You're not at all like your reputation."

Louis didn't know where to start. "Thank you?" and then, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Harry was exasperated by now. Trying to get Louis to understand something Harry didn't even get.

"Ok I'm not sorry," Louis conceded. He lifted Harry's chin up to look him in the eye. "I'm not sorry for being nice. I'm not a bad guy, Harry. My reputation is crap. Ninety percent of it is shit. The other ten perfect is exaggerated."

Harry nodded minutely as not to jostle Louis' grip. Louis let his face go anyway and they sat there for a minute in silence.

"I went to the club because I wanted to forget about you."

Harry said the words so softly Louis wasn't sure he heard them. But when Louis looked at Harry he had a mix of anger and desperation on his face.

"I was going to take that girl from Capstone home and fuck her and forget about you," Harry continued, "I was going to do it sober but doing it drunk seemed to make it easier. Then some guy gave me this stuff and I felt great! I was definitely taking that girl, what's her name, home. But then..."

"What guy, Harry? You took something from someone you don't know?"

Harry nodded weakly. "He said it'd make my drink better. I thought it was like flavoring or something. It tasted like candy."

Louis shook his head and gripped Harry's arms tight. "Haz, those were drugs."

Harry sat up straight, "What?! No way! That guy was so nice. He wouldn't do that!"

"Harry. Trust me, he slipped you something. That's probably why you choked that girl. Shelia by the way, is her name. I looked it up yesterday after-" Louis cut himself off. "Anyway, that's why you were violent. Drugs can do all kinds of things to people."

"I've never been violent in my life!"

"And now we know it wasn't your fault," Louis rubbed Harry's arm in comfort. Harry seemed to accept that and they fell into silence again.

Harry couldn't stop looking at Louis, but Louis' eyes were glued to his lap.

This time Louis spoke up. "Why would you want to forget me?"

Louis was still looking at his lap, but Harry decided it would make this conversation easier anyway. "Not you, really. The things I think about you."

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