Chapter 45

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Harry rang the door bell. He waited, biting his nails, until he saw the light inside turn on and the door swung openly slowly.


"Dean Winslow."

"Son, you do realize what time it is, right?" the Dean asked sleepily.

"I do. And I'm so sorry to bother you and Sandra so late, but I need to talk to you."

"Come in," he said and waved Harry inside.

Harry sat down on the plush couch. The Dean tightened his robe and sat across from him in the chair.

"What's going on Harry? I know you had surgery recently. You're okay?"

Harry nodded, "Physically, I'm fine."


"We've known each other for a long time."

"Since your were a child, Harry."

"And I know that you're close with my parents."

"Harry, why don't you just say what's on your mind."

"I know they keep tabs on my behavior through you and some of the board and the teachers. I need to know what you report back to them."

Dean Winslow nodded thoughtfully and unconsciously rubbed a circle into the arm of the chair.

"You are a very bright student, Harry. I'd hate to see you waste your potential on something, or someone," he emphasized, "that could stand in the way of you becoming someone great."

"What do you-"

"I know it's not my place, but considering you're in my home at," he glanced at the wall clock, "three am I'll take the liberty to say, you should break it off."

"Dean Winslow I don't think-"

"What's his name? Lawrence? Luke?"

"It's Louis."

"Louis, then. He's trouble. Partier. Drinks too much. Heart breaker. Or so I hear. He's definitely not the right person for you."

"How did you?"

"You're not as sly as you think you are, son. People have eyes. And they are my eyes."

Harry shook his head.

"Now, I haven't told your parents anything yet. Because I have faith you'll make the right decision."

"And what's the right decision here, Dean?"

"Harry," he made a regretful sound, "Break up with the boy. Or I'll be forced to inform your parents."


"Harry. My wife is sleeping."

Harry sank lower in the chair and covered his face with his hands. "I came to you, knowing you've ratted on me to my parents consistently, because I thought that since you've been like an uncle to me that you'd take my side!"

"I am on your side Harry. That's why I'm giving you one week to deal with him before I go to your parents."

"Deal with him? Who do you think you are?"

"I'm a mentor of yours. And a friend. And your Dean. My only concern is your future."

"You don't understand! Louis is my future!"

"Harry, I won't tell you again to keep your voice down."

"You can't do this. My parents won't let me graduate if they find out."

"I know, Harry. Who do you think gave them that power? They can't just expel students on their own."

"You'd expel me because I'm gay?"

"I'd expel you because being gay will ruin your future and if I can save you from that then I will," the Dean cocked his head, "And I'm afraid that I can't let someone that ruins an excellent future for a great student like you to stay at my school, either."


"Louis would have to be expelled as well."

"You can't do that!" Harry stood from his place on the couch.

"I can, and for you, I will."

Harry knew there was nothing else he could say. This has been happening for years. He couldn't change this tonight.

"I'm have to go," he decided.

"Take my advice, Harry."

Harry left the Dean sitting in his chair.


The street lights seems too bright as they passed Harry by. The night was black but they were bright white. It was giving him a headache. Or maybe it was what he was about to do that was giving him a headache. He almost couldn't believe he was about to do this.

Harry was speeding twenty over but he needed to get there. Now. If he didn't he might back out. Then he knew he'd hate himself even more than he will for what he's about to do.

Harry hated this! He hated himself! He hated that school! He hated his family!

He pulled up and got out of the car. The entire street seemed to be as dark as Harry's future right now. He flipped through the keys in his hand and let himself in.

He swore it was colder than when he left. But maybe it just felt that way. The wall felt cold when he leaned back on it. Harry breathed deep again and again trying to get the courage to do this.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and resolutely walked down the hall to the bedroom. He opened the door slowly so he wouldn't make any noise, but then remembered that he needed to wake him up.

He turned the light on went to the side of the bed. Harry leaned over and kissed the sleeping boy's forehead.

"Louis," he whispered.

Louis scrunched his nose and made an unpleased sound. Harry almost broke right there, but he knew he couldn't cry if he was going to be believable.

"Louis. Sit up. Now."

Louis' eyes slipped open at Harry's tone. "What's going on?"

"Please sit up. I need you to hear me."

Louis rubbed his eyes and propped himself up on his elbows. "Why are you dressed?" he asked sluggishly, "Are we going some-"

"I'm breaking up with you."

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