Chapter 23

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Hiking day. It took three days of board games and charades turning into utter boredom to convince Liam and Niall to brave the cold outside.

It still wasn't snowing but it was definitely getting colder. And they didn't have service to check the weather and see if it was going to get colder or not.

So they chose to take the opportunity in case the weather took a turn. The boys were packed and layered in warm clothes.

Niall made Zayn carry his hiking supplies in his bag so Niall could fill his own with sustenance for the day ahead. Including but not limited to: cheese balls, now cold (but soon to be lukewarm) beer, sweets, sliced chicken sandwiches, and potato salad Harry had made last night.

They set off. The wind wasn't harsh, but it chilled to the bone. The trees seemed to be shuddering right along side the boys. The sky was bright blue though. Almost too bright.

Harry was shielding his eyes so he could lead the way. Louis was trailing just a step behind him. When he saw Harry struggling he pulled his bag off his shoulder and pulled out his sunglasses that he'd packed and tapped them on Harry's shoulder.

"Oh, thanks," Harry smiled and took them.

Louis took that as an invite (he took anything as an invite) to walk next to Harry.

"Is this view really worth it?"

Harry smiled at the trail ahead of him and nodded. "I can't describe it. It's my favorite part of being out here."

"Really? Must be some damn good water."

Harry giggled, "It's pretty great."

Louis let them fall into comfortable silence. They walked and listened to Zayn complain about regretting his prior enthusiasm and Liam soothing him. Niall was munching on a sandwich and listening to music.

"Li, these boots hurt," Zayn whined.

"But they look so good on you," liam placated, "And so does this jacket," his voice lowered a little, "and these jeans."

They heard Zayn high-pitched surprise behind them. "Liam James!" Zayn admonished.

Louis and Harry both laughed then looked at each other. Louis beamed and Harry blushed. Louis brushed his hand against Harry's. Thank God the boy got the hint and twisted their fingers together.

Louis was flying. Since Harry made his declaration to the others a couple nights ago he'd been very comfortable with mild PDA. He still didn't kiss Louis in front of anyone much.

But he kissed him plenty in private. Good night kisses, good morning kisses (after Harry brushed his teeth because he refused to before), stolen kisses while Harry was cooking in the kitchen.

Louis was getting used to the feeling of Harry's lips. But he still wasn't over it. Didn't think he ever would be. The kisses were great. Really. And Harry even let Louis cuddle with him on the couch last night after dinner.

But they were still in separate beds. And Louis was getting tired of cold showers.

He'd never had to wait on someone like this before. He had a reputation for a reason. Not saying he's a slut or anything but...

Louis didn't want to mess this up. Harry was so beautiful. And he was sweet. And he was trusting Louis not to be a pushy shit.

So Louis made sure to asked before he kissed him. And didn't push him. Always tried to follow Harry's lead. Waited for Harry to break through whatever was holding him back.

Like right now. He was so jealous that Liam could flirt openly with his boy but Louis had to discretely relish the opportunity to even hold Harry's hand.

Whatever. If holding hands made him feel this good he was fine waiting.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Harry asked.

"Thinking about you."

Harry smirked. "Safe thoughts?"

"Well I don't mind 'em."

"So not safe thoughts, then?"

"Nah, just thinking about our hands."

"God Lou!"

"No! I didn't mean-"

Harry dropped Louis' hand and Louis wanted to smack himself, but then Harry put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. "I'm kidding. What about my hands?"

Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and they walked like that. "Really nothing 'unsafe'," Louis mocked with his tone. "Just that I like holding your hand," he admitted with his face tucked into Harry's shoulder.

Harry kissed the top of Louis' head. "That's so sweet. I like holding your hand, too." Louis made a pleased noise and kept himself close to Harry's side. "I like kissing you, too."

"Yeah? I really like that."

Harry lowered his voice. "And it's been a while since we did, um, anything else."

Louis took a mental moment before speaking so he didn't say anything embarrassing like, I don't know, PLEASE FUCK ME! or maybe I NEED YOU, YOU SHITHEAD!

Two long seconds later he responded with a very well-thought out and clever, "Yeah."

Mental face palm.

"I'm sorry for that."

Louis squeezed his side and immediately said, "Don't you dare. You have nothing to be sorry for."

"Well, I just mean, I'm sorry for making you wait."

"Harry," Louis sounded serious so Harry looked down at him. Once Louis had his full attention he continued, "I'll wait as long as you need. Don't even question that."

"Yeah," he sounded thoughtful. He stayed quiet and Louis was about to let it go. Then Harry leaned in to whisper, "I might, sort of," he exhaled a hot breath over Louis ear, "want you to blow me when we get back to the cabin."

Louis' grip tightened noticeably on Harry's waist. Where did this boy get his flirting technique from? Louis was going to get whiplash.

He perked up but stayed tucked into Harry. "I can, yeah, I can, fuck. I can do that."

Harry nodded but didn't respond verbally. He just kissed Louis cheek and ran he hand from Louis' neck, down his back, to his waist.

This view could be fucking brilliant but Louis knew he'd be waaaay happier as soon as he saw the cabin.

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