Chapter 59

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After Harry broke the news that they had no intentions of moving away to hide, Anne decided that there was nothing left to talk about and showed them the door.

Louis held Harry close while they walked to their car, then held his hand while he drove, and held him tighter as they went back to Louis' place and fell asleep with their clothes on.


Louis woke up too early and couldn't go back to sleep. He tried to lay still with Harry half on top of him, but soon he got antsy and needed to stretch his legs.

His mind was racing. Cameron Reynolds. The one that never happened. A barely anything night. So long ago it should be forgotten. But that was the night that Harry called him for the first time. The first time he saw Harry cry. The first time Harry saw his tiny house. The first night Harry slept in his bed.

He'd never forget a single moment of that night. Including how kind Cameron had been when Louis just left him with he pants undone.

Now he was in works with a man that was ruining his life. There's no way Cameron knows what type of guy he's going into business with. Cameron's gay himself! There's no way.

Louis couldn't wrap his head around it. Had so many questions. But none of the answers where here in his living room.


"What should I make for lunch, babe?" Harry asked from the kitchen.

"Actually," Louis came into the room fully dressed in fresh clothes with wet hair and shifty eyes, "I have some errands to run. But just stay and chill and I'll be back soon."


"Just some errands. I'll go by the store if you want, since I know I never have food."

Harry evaluated him with his gaze but sighed and gave Louis a quick kiss. "Ok, love. See you later."

Louis nodded and grabbed his jacket off the dining chair. He walked to the door with Harry's quick, "Get tomatoes!"

"Okay!" he called and shut it behind him.


"I'm sorry, but if you don't have an appointment I can't let you in. Mr. Reynolds is a very busy man."

Louis hummed, "Very busy indeed. Now look. I only need ten minutes. It's very very important."

"It's not possible-"

"It is possible. Please, please," Louis broke but he steeled himself, "I need to see him. Just for a minute."

The secretary gave him a hard look but sighed, "I'll ask if he can see you. Wait here." She stood up. "Who should I say is asking?"

Louis bit his lip then said, "Um, Will I think."

"You think?" the woman gave him a look and walked around the corner to Cameron's office.

Obviously Louis followed. He kept quiet and stood a couple steps behind her while she knocked and then opened the large wooden door just wide enough to talk comfortably.

"Mr. Reynolds? I know you're in the middle of a contract review, but there is a kid here-"

"Not a kid!" Louis said and opened the door wider. "Excuse me," he said as he pushed past the secretary.

"Who? Will? What are you doing here?"

Louis gave the girl a look to which she scoffed and walked away. He closed the door and came to sit on Cameron's desk. "I need to talk to you."

"You can't just come here, Will. I work here."

"My name's Louis."

Cameron sighed, "Okay, Louis. We can not do this here."

"I'm not-please just let me explain."

"Can you please explain from the chair over there."

Louis looked back at the chair on the other side of the desk and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure." He took the seat and leaned over to rest his forearms on his desk anyway.

"So you know who I am then?" Cameron asked.

"I just recently found out."

"Are you here to spill my secret."

Louis shook his head, "I would never," he sighed. "I'll keep your secret as long as you need me to. That's not why I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

"You're closing a deal with a man named Robin Twist."

"How do you know that? No one knows that."

"I'm sort of," Louis fumbled with his fingers, "dating his son."

"Wow. Oh, good for you, Louis."

"It is," Louis smiled easily, "It is good for me. But there's a problem."

"I don't do threesomes."

Louis barked a laugh, "That's funny-no I need your help with something else."

"Why don't you just tell me what you need."

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