Chapter 28

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"Niall!" Louis called across the store. "White or blue candles? White are safe but I know Harry likes blue. But the white ones are bigger and I don't know how long they'll last."

"Louis, shut up. Harry doesn't care which candles you use. As long as you use a good lube."

Louis walked around to the next aisle where Niall was picking up fire wood. The tiny general store in the nearest town was barely fit to supply the date of a lifetime, but it's the best Louis could do.

He'd gotten the tiny speakers to hook up to his phone. The cheap plastic wine glasses, even though technically Harry wasn't old enough to drink yet. The lights on a steak that you put in your garden.

Louis was freaking out. A date. With Harry. This can't be real.

"Will you keep it the fuck down?" Louis admonished.

"What? It's true. He won't be thinking about the candles when your both on the ground-"

"Stop! Seriously don't. Can we just get everything and get out of here. Tomorrow's a big deal and you're not making it any easier."

Niall put a hand around Louis' shoulders. "I'm sorry. Just teasing. Tomorrow will be perfect."

Louis nodded earnestly trying to convince himself that was true.

"There's a deli down the street. I'm going to get some stuff. Will you please get plates and forks and stuff?"

"Sure thing Tommo."


Harry woke up to an empty bed. We'll not empty. He was in it. But Louis wasn't. So it felt empty. Louis always slept with Harry.

He looked across the nightstand and saw the other bed empty too. Well at least he's not there. Louis must've just gotten up before Harry.

He let his face fall into the pillow next to him and inhaled. Yep, Louis definitely slept there. Harry smiled.

The sheets were hot against his skin so he threw them off and banished them to the end of the bed. When the cool air hit his body he realized his state.

"Please, God, tell me Louis didn't sleep in this bed last night," Harry grumbled to the ceiling.

"I did."

Harry looked to where Louis had just walked in. He smiled and then realized he was laying there naked while Louis looked on.

Harry quickly grabbed a handful of sheets and pulled them over himself.

"Hmm, sad. You didn't need to do that," Louis said as he casually slipped off his Vans and traded them for fluffy socks.

"I just, I'm not, I don't-"

"It's okay, baby. I was kidding. I mean was I wasn't lying," Louis busied himself with picking up his dirty clothes. "You're beautiful and shouldn't be ashamed of it. But you don't have to be naked in front of me if you don't want."

Harry thought about it before scooting to the end of the bed and letting the sheet fall off of him.

"Lou?" Louis turned back to Harry and smiled. "Come here."

Louis dropped the clothes in his hands and stepped over the pile to Harry. Harrys legs spread just enough to let Louis stand between them.

Harry put his fingers on Louis' waist under his shirt. He traced the line of his v-cuts back and forth. Harry loved the feel of Louis' sun-kissed skin under his touch.

He trailed a little higher, running a hand over Louis' abs and rucking his shirt up. Harry leaned in a kissed the small pocket at the bottom of Louis' stomach.

Louis confessed that he hated it and that he's just recently started to gain it back, but Harry just wanted to sink his teeth into the soft skin. Leave marks for everyone to see.

He ran his thumb across Louis' nipples and felt Louis shiver under his lips. The bud hardened almost instantly with the attention.

"Lou?" Harry said between kisses.

"Yes, baby," Louis said breathily.

Harry looked up and saw that Louis was looking down at him. "I don't want to say it yet, because I know it's too soon, but until we're ready I just want you to know that I feel strongly for you."

Louis' hand gripped Harry's shoulder but he didn't push him away so Harry kept going. "I'm not saying those words yet. I'm just letting you know that between now and then and I do feel that. Even if I don't say it. Even if I seem scared. Or flaky. I feel those feelings for you." Harry placed another soft peck to Louis' stomach.

"You don't have to say it. Don't say it until you're absolutely sure. I know how I feel. Even if I don't say it" Louis put his arms around Harry's shoulders. "The first day of class I couldn't take my eyes off you. Every date I went on with Niall I thought about you. Every study session and homework night I had to literally kick myself to focus on anything but you." Harry stood up and pressed their bodies together. "It's been building for months now, darling. And now you're here. With me."

"Naked," Harry added helpfully.

Louis laughed. "Gloriously, blissfully naked."

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder. "Thank you."

"For what, love?"

"For being perfect."

"I'm not perfect, Harry. You have to know that. But you do make me better."

"You're perfect for me."

Louis rested his head on Harry's and closed his eyes peacefully. "And you for me."

Harry's stomach chose that moment to growl at them like a wild animal.

"Hungry?" Louis asked.

"A bit," Harry admitted.

"Well you've slept away most of the day so it's no wonder. We'll have an early dinner and go see what the boys want to do tonight."

Harry nodded on Louis' shoulder but did let him go.

"I don't mind you're flawless body, but the others might, so you'll have to get dressed before we go out there."

"Not yet. Stay here with me for a minute."

How could Louis refuse that?

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