Chapter 38

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"You're gay?!"

Harry put his hands out to quiet Shelia. "Please keep your voice down," he begged.

The three of them had left the theatre after she caught Louis with his hand in Harry's pants. Now they were standing at the end of the theatre hallway in a shady corner trying to settle this.

"I should've known you were gay," Shelia shook her head, "You're such a fucking prick. Do you hate yourself for it? Is that why you choked me?"

Harry heard Louis' gasp.

"I know. I can explain that. I'd never do that. I wa-"

"I don't care why you did it? You took me out, abused me, left me there, and now you're gay?"

Harry shh'd her again. She pursed her lips, frustrated.

"Please let me explain." Harry was pleading with his eyes that she'd give him a tiny chance.

She looked from Harry to Louis and back. "You have two minutes."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and rushed out everything he could in two minutes. His denial, the drugs, his relationship with Louis, and ended with, "You can't tell anyone. My parents would disown me if they knew."

Shelia's eyes widen at that. "Really? Because you have a boyfriend?" Harry nodded. "Ok, Harry. I won't tell. But I can't say I'm not a little sore about what you did."

"I understand. And you don't know how bad I feel about it. It keeps me awake sometimes thinking about what I did to you."

Shelia gave him a pitiful look. "Don't do that. It wasn't your fault." She turned to Louis, "Louis?" He nodded a bit dazed by the past couple minutes. "You're in our class, right?" He nodded again. She turned back to Harry, "Doesn't talk much this one?"

"Actually he never shuts up." He rubbed Louis' arm, "You okay, Lou?" Louis nodded dumbly. "I think he's just a little shocked at someone catching us," Harry reasoned.

"Did you kiss her?" Louis whispered.

Harry looked confused but said, "I don't see wh-"

"Have you kissed her? Have you touched her?" Louis asked louder.

Harry reached for Louis but he flinched away.

"Hey, Harry's obviously not into me," Shelia commented.

"But you were. I remember that day in class. The way she," he gave Shelia a small unfriendly glance, "walked over and asked you out. You were drooling over her. God I wanted to hit her," he said to Harry.

"I was lying to myself, Lou. Trying to convince myself I was straight," he turned to Shelia, "And you're very pretty but, sorry." She shrugged it off and he turned back to Louis, "I love you. And I'm gay." Harry froze. Louis caught it and froze too.

That's the first time Harry has ever said he was gay. And it came so easily he almost didn't notice.

"I'm gay," he smiled, "And I love you. Those are two things that I know." Harry leaned his forehead against Louis'.

Shelia coughed quietly and drew their attention back. "Um, I'm going to go. Don't worry guys your secret's safe. But, um, remember you're in public and people are staring."

The boys looked around and saw a couple people giving them curious looks. No one they knew thank God.

Shelia kissed Harry on the cheek and walked off back into the theatre. Louis growled took hold of Harry by the arm and pulled him out of the theatre.

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